University Centers
Taylor University Centers exist to promote specific areas that are crucial to Taylor’s mission of developing servant-leaders marked with a passion to minister Christ’s redemptive love and truth to a world in need.
Bedi Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence
The Bedi Center is all about effective education. It serves to advance teaching and learning methods through seminars, workshops, and scholarship, while also conducting teaching assessments and offering grants for summer research projects on teaching and learning. Contact Dr. Ben Hotmire for more information.
Center for Faith, Film, and Media
The Center for Faith, Film, and Media promotes intelligent, faith-informed engagement with film and other media. The Center sponsors Taylor’s annual Envision Film Festival, as well as various other campus events that encourage thoughtful connection of faith and culture. For more information, contact Professor Kathy Bruner.
Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship serves as the focal point for encouraging and gathering innovation from across campus and the community, developing servant-leaders equipped for success. The CIE trains, mentors, and equips Kingdom-class innovators for a lifetime of creative flourishing. Contact Dr. Mick Bates for more information.
Roth Center for Missions Computing
The Roth Center for Missions Computing enables current students to serve missions organizations with computing expertise, technology resources, software project management, team leadership, and software engineering services.
Center for Musical Development
The Center for Musical Development provides musical instruction to students from the surrounding community. This program gives Taylor students practical experience in teaching music to young learners. Children ages six to 16 can receive piano lessons from Taylor students and professional instructors at a reasonable cost, with no prior musical training required. Contact Dr. Becky Baker for more information at 317-432-2029, or contact Andrea Baker, Music Program Assistant, at 765-998-5232.
Center for Scripture Engagement
The Center for Scripture Engagement equips people to engage with the Bible in ways that drive evangelism, personal discipleship, worldview formation, and church planting. This is accomplished through research conducted by the Center, resources provided by a partnership with Bible Gateway, and training offered in studying Scripture. For more information, contact Dr. Phil Collins.
Pulliam Journalism Center
The Pulliam Journalism Center fosters the discipling, mentoring, teaching and training of Christian journalism students who have committed their story writing talents for the glory of God. Founded in 2019, the Center provides scholarships to journalism students and funds Christian journalists to serve as guest lecturers, introducing Taylor students to journalists who are both committed to their careers and to their Christian faith. For more information, contact Dr. Alan Blanchard.
Spencer Center for Global Engagement
The Spencer Center actively promotes global engagement within Taylor’s student body by providing leaders for global outreach, coordinating with regional partners, and encouraging cross-cultural opportunities through Taylor World Outreach, which sends as many as 400 students, faculty, and staff each year all over the world for outreach.