Writing Center

The Writing Center exists to provide peer tutoring in writing from trained writing tutors who work with student writers of all skill levels. Tutors engage with student writers in one-on-one writing discussions, ranging from generating ideas to negotiating editing difficulties. Although we discuss writing, we focus on writers. Conversing over writing engages the writer in a powerful learning experience, builds up writing skills, improves writing processes, and clarifies the writer’s ideas. Our ultimate goal is to help students become confident and reflective writers. Additionally, tutors provide English language support for non-native speakers, including writing, tutoring, and assistance with other English language issues.

Peer Tutoring

Many students of varying abilities often need assistance in clarifying and understanding a particular concept within individual courses or within whole fields of study. Recognizing the importance of peer interaction in the learning process, the AEC employs 80-100 tutors for study tables and one-on-one tutoring services to meet this need in a personal, interactive way. Students can meet with tutors for any class, and all tutoring is provided free of charge to students. If you have any questions about the Peer Tutoring Program, please contact the Coordinator of Tutoring Services.

Disability Support

We offer access to disability services for students through the Academic Enrichment Center. Students should provide adequate documentation to allow the AEC to best understand the nature of the disability and provide services befitting the student’s needs. Services offered include note taking, extended time on tests in a quiet setting, audio books and more.

Either before or upon arriving on campus, students should also schedule an appointment to discuss their particular needs with the Coordinator of Accessibility and Disability Resources. You may contact Lisa Wallace to schedule this appointment.

Individual Support

AEC faculty and staff are available by appointment to meet with any student to help provide individual support for academic success as the student transitions into college and through to graduation. Appointments can be made by visiting the AEC in the Zondervan Library or contacting the AEC team.


Learning Courses

The AEC facilitates the following courses to equip students to improve learning and to increase academic success.

Introduction to college-level writing and preparation for ENG 110. Students will improve their ability to read academic texts and respond to them in their own writing. They will learn fundamental writing processes, including improving their credibility, confidence, and voice as writers and revising their writing to meet minimum college-level standards. Offered fall semesters.

An exploration and application of reading strategies to help students engage academic reading for more effective reading rate, comprehension and retention. The course will help students establish appropriate reading skills for academic success in college. Students who take and pass IAS 140 satisfy the reading proficiency required by the university.

Taught by Lance Vanderberg and Dr. Scott Gaier

This course emphasizes techniques for the improvement of study skills, listening and note taking, reading, and comprehension.

Taught by Lance Vanderberg

This course is specifically designed to help increase learning and academic success for students on academic probation. Students on academic probation will meet individually with a faculty or staff member in the Academic Enrichment Center throughout the entire semester. Topics covered will emphasize deep learning, academic engagement and responsibility, and study skills.

Individualized courses are taught by Dr. Scott Gaier, Ken Taylor, and Lance Vanderberg

This course emphasizes speed reading techniques and effective comprehension.

Taught by Dr. Scott Gaier