Calling and Career Office Annual Report

In the 2023 Annual Report, the graduating class was asked to respond to various survey inquiries upon graduating from Taylor. The report presents information on how many graduated students have full and part time employment, are attending graduate school, and are other/still seeking. Specific degrees conferred, graduates responding, geographical locations of graduates, success rate, and level of excellence are also evaluated in this report.

Graduate Outcomes

Knowledge rate
Success Rate
Excellence Rate
Satisfaction rate

90% Knowledge Rate: The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) requires
institutions to collect data on career outcomes for 65% of each graduating class. At Taylor, we collected career outcomes data from 90% of our 2022 graduates.

98% Success Rate: The NACE National Average for an institutional Career Outcomes Rate
(also called Success Rate), comprised of all forms of employment and continuing education, is 85.7%. The Taylor University Class of 2022 achieved a 98% success rate.

93% Excellence Rate: The Excellence Rate measures the percentage of graduates who obtain full-time employment within six months of graduation. The NACE national average is 59%. The Full-Time Employment Rate for the Taylor University Class of 2022 was 93%.

4.48/5 Satisfaction Rate: As a part of our graduate exit survey, we asked 2022 grads to rate their satisfaction with their current postgraduate outcome on a scale of 1 to 5. The class of 2022 responded with an average satisfaction score of 4.48.

Prepared for Life

Taylor's alumni are equipped with the skills needed to grow, adapt, and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Meet our Alumni

The CCO is responsible for collecting the first destination data for the university. This data captures the experiences of our graduates within the first six months after graduation. The outcomes for the graduating class of 2023 were exceptional.

This data demonstrates the value of a Taylor education and should be celebrated—emblematic of the investment of many caring parents, professors, and employers. While there are many reasons Taylor graduates have success in finding after graduation, we maintain that the increased student engagement with the CCO is one key factor in that success.