Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (Major/Minor)

Work domestically or internationally, with refugees, foster children, orphans, anti-human trafficking efforts, or related fields.

Learn about effective and helpful attitudes, approaches, and practices in serving at risk populations and breaking cycles of vulnerability in children and families. This holistic scholar-practitioner approach will help you understand and equip others to meet the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of vulnerable children.

You will take unique courses that focus on issues such as the continuum of care for children, transitioning children from institutional care to family-based care, human trafficking, working with refugees, violence against children, and family strengthening.

The OVC major incorporates classes from Global Studies, Education, Social Work, Missions, Sustainability and Psychology. This range of knowledge will equip our graduates to serve non-profit, missions, non-governmental (NGO), or governmental work as they feel called.

Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Degrees

  • BA in Orphaned & Vulnerable Children
  • BS in Orphaned & Vulnerable Children
  • Minor in Orphaned & Vulnerable Children

  • Degree
  • Minor

View Curriculum

Build Skills In:

  • Monitoring, evaluation, and intervention 
  • Grant writing and fundraising 
  • Competence in care, research, and policy 
  • Child psychology 
  • Intercultural competence 
  • Community development and poverty alleviation 
  • Understanding the impact of violence and trauma on children 
  • Theological and ethical views of vulnerability 

Career Opportunities: 

  • Nonprofit management 
  • Child protective specialist 
  • Family case manager 
  • NGO worker 
  • School counselor 
  • Behavioral counselor 
  • Missionary 
  • Teacher 
  • Emergency first responder/social worker 

Local and Global Internships

Gain real-world exposure to local and global issues that vulnerable children face by participating in two internships—one local/national and one international. This multi-angle perspective of orphan care teaches cultural biases, identifies differences in ethical issues, and builds humility and sensitivity.

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Empower Your Calling

Learn more about why other students chose Orphaned and Vulnerable Children as a major. 

More About OVC

Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Curriculum Guides & Degree Options

A Taylor liberal arts education will prepare you to live and work in a fast-changing world. It also goes a step further: laying a strong spiritual foundation that cultivates wisdom. You’ll become a well-versed individual, equipped with critical thinking skills, a lifelong love of learning, and an appreciation for God’s creation.

View Foundational Core Curriculum.

Specialization in Orphaned and Vulnerable Children

This interdisciplinary major can stand alone with a 9-12 credit hour focus area in a related field. However, the OVC major is designed to pair well with other majors or minors depending on interests and future goals.

  • Add a TESOL certification to gain a competitive skill that’s in high demand worldwide.
  • Add a major in Management or Marketing to prepare for a career in nonprofit management or creative advocacy.
  • Consider adding a major or minor in Global Studies, Politics & Law or PPE, Counseling, Pre-Art Therapy, Photography, Communication, and more.
  • Who are “vulnerable children”?

    In the international community, general descriptors of “vulnerable children” include children and youth under age 18 with a higher potential for poor life outcomes, risk of violence and exploitation, inability to receive adequate physical or emotional care, or unable to cope with or recover from a systemic loss of power (economic hardship, lack of stability, social exclusion, etc.). Orphans are children who have lost or been abandoned by a parent or a primary caregiver

  • Will we study other vulnerable populations, or just children?

    The OVC major directly addresses the multiple causes, needs, and outcomes of vulnerable children, as part of a broad and deep context of effective interventions in particular areas, such as trauma informed work with children, resilience, refugee support, human trafficking, and family strengthening. The technical skills you will develop will provide professional preparation for all kinds of humanitarian work

  • What service model does this major use?

    The Orphaned and Vulnerable Children major applies the Scholar-Practitioner framework. You’re encouraged to become a lifelong learner and change agent in a global landscape. You’ll gain a dynamic understanding of the field and can apply your learning to the cause of the vulnerable.

  • If I’m not a Psychology, Social Work, or Sociology major, how will I get a job?

    When students study these individual disciplines, they often gain broad knowledge of a large academic field. While those are excellent opportunities, Orphaned & Vulnerable Children majors narrow their focus on at-risk children/youth. OVC students also will acquire a robust, interdisciplinary understanding of the work behind intervening in the lives of vulnerable children, whether the students’ interests lie in community development, missions and church-based ministries, non-profit work, etc.

  • If I’m not a Psychology, Social Work, or Sociology major, how will I get a job? Cont.

    Paired with a Christian liberal arts foundation, a Scripture Engagement minor, and the opportunities at Taylor for service, study abroad, leadership and spiritual formation, you will be a highly prepared future employee. Because of the professional connections linked to the OVC program, our faculty will bring professionals into class, help students network, recommend students for internships, and assist students in shaping their resumes.

  • BreeAnna Bailey

    Class of 2021

    The Orphaned and Vulnerable Children major is very versatile and leads to a variety of career paths after college. I chose OVC because I desire to empower vulnerable people and embody the physical actions of Christ loving His people.

OVC students study trends in orphan/childcare and interventions, fundraising, non-profit management, and health—all of which will be complemented by hands-on experience. They will also have the opportunity to attend conferences such as CAFO (Christian Alliance for Orphans) and Lost Sparrows Trauma Conference.

Orphaned and Vulnerable Children is part of the History, Global, and Political Science Department

Kevin Johnson
Department Chair and Associate Professor of History & Global Studies


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