PA Program Goals & Competencies

Taylor PA Program Competencies

  • Explain the etiologies, risk factors, underlying pathophysiologic processes, signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis, and management for medical and surgical conditions across all organ systems and across the lifespan.
  • Apply foundational knowledge of basic medical sciences to guide compassionate clinical decision-making.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the six pillars of Lifestyle Medicine and their importance in whole-person care.

  • Obtain a complete and accurate medical history, perform an applicable PE, and order appropriate diagnostic studies for patients across the lifespan.
  • Document an accurate patient encounter that includes all pertinent components of the medical record.
  • Perform clinical and procedural skills effectively and safely.

  • Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams while maintaining a climate of mutual respect, diversity, integrity, and trust.
  • Demonstrate professional conduct, self-awareness, resilience, and the ability to receive and give constructive feedback.
  • Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in the effective exchange of information with a Christ-centered focus across a broad range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.
  • Engage in effective, sensitive, and respectful relationships with patients and families to accurately obtain and use essential information to construct a patient-centered management plan.

  • Integrate understanding of social determinants of health into medical decision-making and the development of individualized care plans.
  • Formulate health-management strategies including pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapies and patient education in the prevention and treatment of acute, chronic, and emergent conditions.
  • Consider current scientific evidence, patient’s preference, value-based care, and clinical judgment while making clinical decisions.

  • Develop strategies for growth in spiritual vitality and resilience with an emphasis on personal reflection, self-awareness, and self-care practices to sustain spiritual and emotional well-being amidst the challenges of medical training and practice.
  • Utilizing a Christian worldview, integrate principles of servant-leadership, such as empathy, compassion, and humility, while interacting with colleagues and patients.
  • Formulate clinical approaches that promote healing and wholeness in patients, recognizing the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit.

  • Formulate plans for patient education related to lifestyle modification, disease prevention, and psychosocial effects of life changes.
  • Recommend appropriate clinical testing and intervention based on the information gathered during the history and physical examination.
  • Propose treatment plans based on current scientific knowledge adapted with consideration of the patient’s determinants of health.

Taylor PA Program Goals

The goal of our program is each student’s completion of the PANCE and entry into the workforce. Our program supports students during the 27 months by monitoring and aiding the growth of student abilities by tracking progress through the competencies.


  1. First-time PANCE pass rates at or above national average
  2. Attrition rate below national average
  3. Graduate exit survey scores
    1. 90% or greater of students will select 3 or above on a 5-point Likert scale on self-evaluation for preparedness to enter clinical practice and evaluation of the program’s effectiveness in preparing them for clinical practice.
  4. Summative exam pass rate
    1. 90% or greater of the cohort will pass the summative exam on the first attempt.
  5. All students reach a level 2 (advanced beginner) in all program competencies measured upon completion of the didactic portion and level 3 (competent) upon completion of the program.

The program understands and values the multitude of differences our students, faculty, and staff bring to our profession.


  1. Collectively achieve at least 20% of students and at least 20% of faculty and staff meeting at least one the following diversity criteria:
    1. Diversity criteria include ethnic background, geographic background (from various U.S. regions), military experience, mission service, third culture status, and first-generation college students.
  2. Achieve an average of at least 3 on a 5-point Likert scale on annual faculty and staff surveys in all domains related to multicultural relations.
  3. Achieve an average of at least 3 on a 5-point Likert scale on end-of-didactic and end-of-program student surveys in all domains related to multicultural relations.

The program desires to develop professional, competent, and committed servant-leaders who provide whole-person healthcare in the communities they serve.


  1. All students will participate in a minimum of 10 hours of volunteer service involving at least two separate activities during their time in the program. Faculty and staff will participate in 10 hours of volunteer service annually.
  2. Individual student average scores are at least 3 on a 5-point Likert scale in professionalism and servant-leadership categories on faculty evaluations each didactic term, and preceptor evaluations for each rotation throughout the clinical year.
  3. Completion of student reflection regarding growth in professionalism and servant-leadership at the end of didactic and clinical phases.

The program affirms that effective and respectful interpersonal communication skills are essential foundational elements of quality healthcare delivery and interprofessional collaboration.


  1. Students experience a minimum of three interprofessional education (IPE) events/exposures throughout the program.
  2. All students achieve Level 3 (competent) on program competency for Professional Behavior and Interpersonal skills prior to completion of the program.
  3. End-of-program student survey scores average at least 3 on a 5-point Likert scale in domains related to communication and interpersonal skills.

As a reflection of the importance of whole-person care, the program will include a targeted focus on Lifestyle Medicine and biblical integration throughout the curriculum. We believe the greatest model exemplifying whole-person care is Jesus Christ. His example will drive our program and be the standard for all we seek to accomplish.


  1. End-of-program survey scores will average at least 3 or above on a 5-point Likert scale with regards to Lifestyle Medicine training effectiveness.
  2. End-of-program survey scores will average at least 3 or above on a 5-point Likert scale with regards to biblical integration.
  3. All students will complete reflections on their experience through the capstone project research.