The Redeem Project, a History, Global, & Political Studies Department program, offers premier, experiential learning opportunities for students interested in careers in the legal field. You can explore your calling and vocation and gain a broader understanding of the legal system. These practical opportunities take place in Taylor’s own community of Grant County, enabling students to gain valuable experience while practicing Taylor’s core values of servant-leadership.

Experiential Legal Learning

The Redeem Project offers a variety of experiential learning opportunities for students, including a flagship offering surrounding criminal record expungement. This offering aims to provide those exiting incarceration with a clean slate as they seek housing and employment.

Indiana has one of the most progressive statutes in the country for criminal records expungement. The state allows people to petition for expungement on their own once they meet certain requirements. But navigating the system, figuring out paperwork requirements, and resolving outstanding court costs can be daunting.

Student volunteers distribute educational flyers on criminal record expungement at churches and community events, helping to connect individuals with needed expungement resources, including through Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic.

To date, the Redeem Project has connected nearly 100 individuals in the Grant County area with criminal record expungement resources. Students can also undertake research projects regarding criminal justice and related policies, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

Related Majors

The Redeem Project offers opportunities to students in any major or area of study but may be of special interest to students in the following majors:

  • Isabelle Armour

    Class of 2023

    Because of the Redeem Project, I was prepared for law school. Not only did it prepare me to interact and communicate effectively with potential clients, but it also gave me the opportunity to research and further expand my understanding of expungement law.

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