Study Abroad

Studying abroad is a transformative experience for college students looking to pursue God’s calling in communities around the world. You’ll grow in cross-cultural competency, adaptability, and spiritual depth, while taking part in challenging academic study. 

We offer a variety of portfolio-building semester and January-term study abroad programs to places all around the world. Some programs are directed by Taylor, and others are conducted through knowledgeable partner organizations. As you are immersed in different cultures, you’ll return with new perspectives, understanding, and a deeper love for the God who created our diverse world.

Students are required to have completed one semester in residence at Taylor prior to applying for study abroad programs. The process also includes an interview with the Director of Off-Campus Programs.

Students interested in studying abroad must meet the following requirements:
  • 2.75 GPA or above
  • Good academic and social standing
  • Student account in good standing
  • Clearance from academic advisor
  • Completion of program’s application material

Students may attend more than one semester in an off-campus program; however, preference is given to students who have not studied abroad previously.

Institutional financial aid applies only to the first semester of off-campus study. No financial aid (federal or institutional) will be awarded to students attending study abroad programs not offered through Taylor University.


Questions About Studying Abroad?

Contact the Office for Off-Campus Study Programs at 765-998-5106 or