Semester Study Abroad

Explore our diverse semester abroad programs to find the best fit for your major and further enhance your Taylor experience. Taylor offers study abroad programs to Ecuador, Northern Ireland/Ireland, and Los Angeles through the university, and partners with other organizations to expand students’ options in other parts of the world. 

Taylor Study Abroad Programs

Some departments also offer major-specific study abroad programs. See your major page or contact your department chair for more information and opportunities.

Spend fall or spring semester immersed in Latin American culture at Universidad del Azuay in Cuenca, Ecuador. Take advanced classes in Biology, Business, Christian Education, and Exercise Science, as well as general education courses in history, literature, and science.

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Expand your cultural and spiritual awareness by studying and experiencing the history and culture of Ireland and Northern Ireland. In partnership with Stranmillis University (a College of Queens University Belfast), students earn 15–17 hours of credits, including a practicum experience if desired.

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Film and Media Arts students earn up to 16 credit hours, complete one or two internships in their area of interest, and take a course called “Inside the Entertainment Industry” taught by entertainment industry professionals. The program also includes studio tours, special events, film screenings, and networking. Students live in Pasadena.

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Study Abroad Partnerships

Taylor University partners with other universities and study abroad programs, many of which are associated with the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Check with your academic advisor to ensure courses taken through partner-schools will count toward your degree.

PartnerContemporary Music Center
Ideal for: Music, Film & Media Arts

Partner: Hong Kong Baptist University
Ideal for:  Art, Design, Business, Music, Film & Media Arts, Communication, Physical Science, Social Science, General Education

Partner: Jerusalem University College
Ideal for: Biblical Languages, Biblical Literature, Global Studies

Partner: The Orvieto Semester (through Gordon College)
Ideal for: Art, Design

Partner: Tokyo Christian University
Ideal for: Biblical Literature, General Education

Requirements and Criteria

Students interested in studying abroad must meet the following requirements:
  • 2.75 GPA or above
  • Good academic and social standing
  • Student account in good standing
  • Clearance from academic advisor
  • Completion of program’s application material

Students may attend more than one semester in an off-campus program; however, preference is given to students who have not studied abroad previously.

Institutional financial aid applies only to the first semester of off-campus study. No financial aid (federal or institutional) will be awarded to students attending study abroad programs not offered through Taylor University.

Apply to Study Abroad

Admission can be competitive depending on your chosen program, and applicants are evaluated based on the written application, GPA, letters of reference, and a personal interview. Good academic, social, and financial standing with the University are also requirements for acceptance.

Students are required to have completed one semester in residence at Taylor prior to applying for study abroad programs. The process also includes an interview with the Director of Off-Campus Programs.

Study Abroad Application

Questions about Semester Abroad Programs?

Contact the Office for Off-Campus Study Programs at 765-998-5106 or