Campaign Council

The Campaign Council provides wisdom, prayer support, and encouragement to the president and advancement team for the Life to the Full Campaign.


Kathy Stevens Thumbnail

Kathy (Sheppard ’82) Stevens

Owner, Opex Corporation

Kathy Stevens resides in Dallas, Texas, and is a member of the Board of Trustees, serving as the Chair of the Advancement Committee and co-chair of the Life to the Full campaign. She is a homemaker, photographer, and philanthropist. Kathy also serves on the national board of Young Life. At Taylor, she majored in Communication and Theatre Arts. Kathy and her husband, David, have four children, one of whom is a Taylor graduate. They also have nine grandchildren.

Chuck Surack Thumbnail

Chuck Surack H’18

Founder, Sweetwater Sound

Chuck Surack founded Sweetwater Sound in 1979 as a four-track recording studio. Since then, Sweetwater has grown to be the world’s #1 online music equipment retailer. Chuck serves as the vice chairman for Canterbury School, and is on the board of the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Northeast Indiana, the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo (past Chair), Love Fort Wayne (past Chair), and the Fort Wayne Philharmonic Orchestra (past Chair). At Taylor, Chuck serves on the Board of Visitors and is the co-chair of the Life to the Full campaign. Chuck and his wife Lisa have two sons, a daughter, and two granddaughters.


Jill Anschutz Thumbnail

Jill Anschutz ’07

Director, The Anschutz Foundation

Jami Beukelman Thumbnail

Jami Beukelman ’97

Executive Director, Beukelman Family Office

Brent Clodgo Thumbnail

Brent Clodgo ’88

Vice President, People Driven Technology
Board Member, Stellix

Sal Dantona Thumbnail

Sal Dantona

Owner, Dantona Industries, Inc.

Warwick Fairfax Thumbnail

Warwick Fairfax

Founder, Beyond the Crucible

Jamie Fellowes Thumbnail

Jamie Fellowes H’24

Board Chair, Fellowes Brand

Lisa Ford Thumbnail

Lisa Ford ’92


Jamie Haenggi Thumbnail

Jamie Haenggi H’23

President, ADT Solar

Mekael Teshome Thumbnail

Mekael Teshome ’06

Managing Director, PNC Capital Markets

Alice Tsang Thumbnail

Alice Tsang

Professor of Finance, Taylor University

Jackie VanDyke Thumbnail

Jackie VanDyke ’94

Bible Teacher and Founder, Hundredfold

Dan Wolgemuth Thumbnail

Dan Wolgemuth ’77

President Emeritus, Youth for Christ USA

Norman Yatooma Thumbnail

Norman Yatooma ’94

Founder, Yatooma Law

Jerry Yeager Thumbnail

Jerry Yeager ’87

CEO, SYM Financial Advisors

Sandy Yu Thumbnail

Sandy Yu

Financial Consultant, StepWise Financial