Taylor has a remarkable giving community. And behind every gift to the University is a meaningful and inspiring story. Here you will read stories of donors who are making a Taylor education possible for students, and the impact on students’ lives.

The alumni, parents, and friends of Taylor play a vital role in the University’s historic mission. We are thankful for their generous support and partnership in advancing the work and witness of Christ through the ministry of Taylor University.

 Mekael TeshomeMekael Teshome ’06

The Domino Effect

In 2002 Mekael Teshome ’06 was a 17-year-old Ethiopian with a desire to further his education at Taylor, but he lacked the financial resources to do so. Through scholarship support, along with additional aid, Mekael received the financial assistance he needed.

In 2006, Mekael graduated magna cum laude with a degree in International Studies, Political Science and Economics. He received his MA in Economics from Vanderbilt University, and currently serves as Vice President and Senior Regional Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

Recognizing that it was generous donor support that made his Taylor experience possible, Mekael committed to doing the same thing one day for an international student desiring to attend Taylor.


Azu Hernandez

Azu Hernandez ’24

When Hope is Multiplied

When you meet Azucena Hernandez ’24, the first thing you will notice is her warm smile and easy laugh. Behind that joyful spirit is a courageous, motivated, hard-working and deeply spiritual young woman.

For the 2020/21 academic year, Azu was the recipient of a Student Assistance Scholarship. This scholarship, combined with work-study opportunities, is allowing Azu to pursue career aspirations rooted in her desire to help others.

Azu’s desire to make a difference in her homeland’s health care system began when she witnessed over-extended and under-resourced doctors trying to care for a seemingly endless line of patients outside a hospital clinic. Inspired to be a part of a solution to the health care crisis in Guatemala, Azu began to dream of a career in the medical field.

“Because my family has limited resources,” says Azu, “I never thought I would be able to attend a college in the U.S. But my dream is coming true.” In 2020-2021 Azu completed her first year of studies as a BioChemistry major. “Studying at Taylor University has been a life-changing opportunity for me,” adds Azu. “I am thankful for the generosity and kind hearts of the families that provided for my scholarship.”

You can read the full story in the Summer 2021 issue of Taylor magazine.


Phil & Midge Yaggy

Phil ’41 and Midge (Brown ’42) Yaggy

A Lifetime of Giving

Phil and Midge Yaggy had over 80 years of history with and love for Taylor, and were generous supporters of the Taylor Fund for over 40 years. Because Taylor had a profound impact on their lives as students, giving back regularly was a small way to ensure that Taylor would be here for future generations. “They always gave of themselves,” said Stephanie, “and they always appreciated the opportunities they were given through the generosity of others.”

Phil Yaggy passed away in 2019 at the age of 100; Midge in 2021, just two months shy of 100 – centenarians who “lived well in the ordinary”. Their final gift to Taylor, a legacy gift, will help future students have the same kind of transformative Taylor experience. In the words of Midge, “The Lord has been so good to us; I can’t begin to count the ways.”

You can read the Yaggy’s story in the Fall/Winter 2021 issue of Taylor magazine.