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Online Ph.D. in Leadership

Grow in Servant Leadership

Powerful and effective leaders serve to the glory of God. At Taylor University, we believe servant-leaders are at their best when they are strategic, humble, and care about the people and initiatives they lead. In the leadership roles you will hold throughout your career, Taylor’s Ph.D. in Leadership program will prepare you to lead as a beacon for Christ.
Our online Ph.D. offers two distinct tracks:

  • Organizational Leadership
  • Educational Leadership

Taylor’s program is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, and the university is a member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Established in 1846, Taylor has a legacy of leadership-focused academics and initiatives.

$800 per credit hour

$40,000 total tuition with financial aid options available

Time to complete

50 credits can be completed in four years with dissertation

Online with options

17 online courses with on campus sessions and networking options

Contact us at 765-998-2751, by email at, or:

Are You Called to Lead?

Leadership is a calling—and a blessing to all who benefit from the vision and culture that values-based leaders create. If you enjoy inspiring others to work together toward specific goals or want to be a thought leader on the topic of leadership, Taylor’s flexible degree program opens doors to a range of industries and career paths.

Whether you are embarking upon a new career, or studying to advance in your industry, Taylor views your success as God working through you and we are here for you at every step.

Upon graduation, you will be fully equipped to implement the most powerful leadership strategies to meet the organizational needs and demands in many industries and careers, including:

  • Executive business leader
  • Nonprofit leader
  • College professor
  • Researcher
  • Consultant

“Servant-leaders have never been more needed. Taylor is focused on equipping our students to meet the next generation of challenges and opportunities.”

Dr. Michael Lindsay, Ph.D.
Taylor University President and Professor of Sociology

Your Champion in Christian Leadership

Leadership is about creating an aspirational vision—one that will serve as the ultimate purpose and mission for the individuals and groups who bring it to fruition. Beyond the vision itself, leadership is also the art of understanding and motivating individuals and teams to work effectively and intentionally.

As an accredited Christian college in Upland, Indiana, Taylor provides a rigorous leadership education founded in a biblical perspective and designed to help you make teams and companies prosper and thrive. All Taylor courses are rooted in a Christian worldview. Our faculty is fully committed to your mentorship.

A Powerful Curriculum with Two Distinct Paths

Our program includes core courses that bolster the call to lead, biblical foundations of leadership, the dissertation and research process, and leading change. Taylor offers two distinct career pathways to align with the industries and organizations you are most passionate to serve.

Track 1: Organizational Leadership (15 credits)

  • LDR 708 Leadership Communication (3)
  • LDR 711 Values Based Leadership and Decision Making (3)
  • LDR 712 Leading People in a Technological Age (3)
  • LDR 713 Leading Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (3)
  • LDR 714 Servant Leadership in Organizations (3)

Track 2: Educational Leadership (15 credits)

  • LDR 720 Leading Change in Educational Institutions (3)
  • LDR 721 Foundations of Personal Leadership Development (3)
  • LDR 722 Resource Development in Education (3)
  • LDR 723 Contemporary Issues in Educational Leadership (3)
  • LDR 724 School Governance and Law (3)

Core Courses (12 credits)

  • LDR 701 The Call to Lead (3)
  • LDR 702 Intercultural Leadership and Cultural Competencies (3)
  • LDR 707 Biblical Foundations of Leadership (3)
  • LDR 710 Managing People, Leading Change: Organization, Culture and Strategy (3)

Research Courses (23 credits)

  • LDR 703 The Research and Dissertation Process (3)
  • LDR 704 Quantitative Data Analysis for Leadership Research 1 (3)
  • LDR 705 Qualitative Data Analysis for Leadership Research (3)
  • LDR 706 Quantitative Data Analysis for Leadership Research 2 (3)
  • LDR 801 Dissertation Writing Stage I: Dissertation Proposal (3)
  • LDR 802 Dissertation Writing Stage II (3)
  • LDR 803 Dissertation Writing Stage III (3)
  • LDR 804 Dissertation Defense and Final Submission (2)

Begin Your Journey Now

Contact us at 765-998-2751, by email at, or: