The Campus Store is your one-stop-shop for Taylor University clothing, gifts, course materials, print shop, and campus post office. The store is conveniently located at the corner of 2nd Avenue and Reade Avenue next to Freimuth Administration Building.

To purchase Taylor gear online, visit our online store.

Hours and Contact Information

The Campus Store is open Monday-Friday, 10 am–5 pm.

Closed during Chapel (Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 10 am)

1846 Main Street
Upland, IN 46989
Phone: 765-998-5219


Slingshot (Course Materials Rental Service)

Slingshot is a subscription-based service offered to students that delivers all required books and course materials automatically before classes start. It’s all of the books and none of the hassle! New students will automatically be included in this program.

Student Portal

All students automatically receive all required course materials for every course through the program. This includes consumable items like access codes and workbooks or any other supplies such as lab kits, goggles, art kits, etc. By default, students will automatically receive rentals, but have the option to select a course material preference of physical rental, used purchase, new purchase or digital access.

Students living on campus will have their initial package delivered to their campus residence. Any books that arrive after that initial delivery can be picked up in the Campus Store. Students that live off­ campus will pick up all physical course materials in the Campus Store or can have these items shipped to a preferred address. Digital items will be accessible via the course material portal.

If you make a change to your schedule, we will receive any updated enrollment information and automatically process any additional required items. An email notification will be sent as soon as the item(s) is available or shipped. If a course is dropped, you’ll have 21 days from the start of class to return any physical books with no penalty.

If an item is required for a continuing course in a following term(s) based on your enrollment, the system will automatically extend the rental duration for that item and let you know that you can keep the item for the next term without any penalty.

Absolutely. Students are welcome to keep any rental for their own library if they would like. If a student keeps a rental beyond the return deadline, we will automatically charge the student account for the rental not returned fee. This fee is simply the diff­erence between the rental and purchase price of that item.

Yes. Appropriate amounts of highlighting and notes are completely acceptable in rented material. We actually encourage this as it can often improve the experience for future renters.

All new undergraduate and graduate students are automatically opted into the program with a rental preference. All existing students will have the option to opt into the program using the Slingshot student site. Registered students already have an account: your school email is the username, and your student ID number is the password. If your password is not working, click the Forgot Password link.

Nobody is forced to use Slingshot. Simply opt out online. Please bear in mind that we can’t guarantee there will be sufficient stock of course materials on hand in the Campus Store for students who opt out.