Both a men’s and women’s team are available, allowing for people across campus to come try their hand at disc golf.
The club gets together weekly to play courses around the area and practice at the courses they will compete at. They compete twice in the fall and then three or four more times in the spring, ultimately participating in the Collegiate National Championship at Winthrop University in South Carolina.
Requirements for the Team:
The disc golf club requires someone willing to come to practice and gain skills and leadership abilities. They also need to have a humble mindset and a willingness to be taught and coached. The club requires that players work individually outside of practice, both to gain skill and to become more familiar with the sport.
To join the team, members are required to pay for their College Disc Golf membership and are asked to fundraise throughout the year. All players must be enrolled as a full-time or a half-time student. Students enrolled as less than half-time are eligible only if they are enrolled in their last semester and/or all classes available for their degree program.
Finally, as members of Christ’s Kingdom, the team is held to a high standard of attitude and Christ-like behavior on the course. As most athletes know, keeping calm after an error is difficult, and on the golf course, it seems to be even harder. Because of this, the team is required to keep calm and maintain a good representation of Christ on the course.
The team verse is John 13:35: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
2023-2024 Season Schedule: