Biology Health Science (Major)

With a rigorous curriculum in modern biology, extensive practical experiences with patients, and a focus on whole-person wellness, the Biology Health Science major will prepare you for a broad range of health sciences careers.

You'll strengthen your Christian worldview and learn to integrate your faith. Choose from concentrations in Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental, Pre-PA, Pre-Optometry, and Pre-Allied Health.

From your first Biology lab to your last, you will be working with Euler Science Complex's graduate-level equipment. Small labs and class sizes allow students to work both individually and collaboratively with state-of-the-art technology in Euler's comparative anatomy and microbiology lab, cell biology and molecular genetics lab, cell culture room, and large greenhouse.

You'll get valuable observations and direct patient care experience as you assist teams at Marion General Hospital, University Nursing Center, Blackford Hospital, and Ball Memorial Hospital. Invitation, an adult diabetes prevention program, has two locations near campus.

Biology Health Science Degrees

  • BA in Biology Health Sciences
  • BS in Biology Health Sciences

  • Degree

View Curriculum

Build Skills In: 

  • Cellular and molecular biology 
  • Developmental biology 
  • Chemistry and biochemistry
  • Human anatomy and physiology
  • Genetics 
  • Prerequisite courses for medical or other graduate school


Career Opportunities: 

  • Doctor 
  • Physician assistant 
  • Physical therapist 
  • Nurse 
  • Nurse practitioner 
  • Genetic counselor 
  • Dentist 
  • Optometrist 


Approximately 96% of students who successfully complete the Pre-Med program are accepted into professional schools including elite professional and medical schools such as the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, University of Michigan, Ohio State University, Indiana University, University of Pennsylvania, and others.

Pre-Med Curriculum

Pre-Physician Assistant, Other Health Careers

With advising from professors and Taylor’s Health Professions Coordinator, you can choose the best courses that will fulfill prerequisites and prepare you for the graduate school of your choice, whether you’re interested in becoming a physician assistant (pre-PA) or a nurse practitioner, or studying optometry, pharmacy, or genetic counseling. 

Health Professions Advising

Biology Health Science Curriculum Guides & Degree Options

Students interested in course descriptions and academic policies can check out our Undergraduate Catalog.

Taylor offers a career path that fits your goals: 

  • Pre-Allied Health Careers 
  • Pre-Dental 
  • Pre-Medicine 
  • Pre-Optometry 
  • Pre-Physician Assistant 

All health science career paths require an additional graduate program in health science after receiving your Biology Health Sciences Bachelor’s degree. 

A Taylor liberal arts education will prepare you to live and work in a fast-changing world. It also goes a step further: laying a strong spiritual foundation that cultivates wisdom. You’ll become a well-versed individual, equipped with critical thinking skills, a lifelong love of learning, and an appreciation for God’s creation.

View Foundational Core Curriculum.

Get Outside the Classroom

Outside of the classroom and laboratory, majoring in Biology Health Sciences will offer unique opportunities to get direct patient care hours, research experience, and study abroad  
  • Invitation Program

    The Invitation program offers students the opportunity to work directly with local community members to form lifestyle habits that prevent diabetes and other preventable diseases. Currently, it is on track to become a CDC-certified program.
  • Live Well

    Live Well is a family-based, clinical program in partnership with Marion Pediatrics. Supervised by faculty, students coach children and their families to create and sustain healthy movement, dietary, and sleep habits. 
  • More Clinical Experiences

    • Fit into Health brings students alongside adults through a personal training program. Students assess their clients’ fitness and health, and design workouts to help them reach their goals. One-on-one exercise sessions take place on campus. 
    • Other opportunities include cardiac rehab and CNA training. 
  • Study Abroad and Research Opportunities 

    Learn on location in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Michigan, the Pacific Northwest, or Cuenca, Ecuador. You will also participate in practicums and assist professors in research surrounding microscopy, bone cells, and other areas of research. 
  • Abigail Russell

    Class of 2020

    My professors encouraged me to make my faith my own and challenged us to ask questions. I grew in my faith by asking questions ranging from topics like evolution to controversial health concerns.

Biology Health Science is part of the Biology, Environmental Science & Sustainable Development Department

Brian Dewar
Department Chair and Associate Professor of Biology


Allison Hunt
Assistant to the Dean, School of Natural & Applied Sciences


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