13 Taylor Students Awarded Orr Fellowships

smiling student in front of brick building

Pictured above: Orr Fellow Alli Beck '24

Thirteen students from Taylor University have been awarded prestigious Orr Fellowships—full-time paid positions with Indianapolis companies where they will receive hands-on work in high-growth environments while building valuable connections and relationships with experienced professionals.

Taylor students Allison Beck, Allison Haines, Carson Heath, Olivia Heinen, Adeline Judson, Adam Kasitz, Kayleigh Khavari, Elisabeth Nieshalla, Jaden Nourse, Trent Repass, and Cameron Turpin accepted the offer as part of a cohort of 76 Orr Fellowship awardees. Other institutions receiving Orr offers included Indiana University, Purdue University, and Notre Dame.

“This year’s pool of Orr Fellows exemplifies the TU mission of developing students into servant leaders,” said Dr. Mick Bates, director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Taylor University. “These students come from a variety of disciplines, yet they all reflect the entrepreneurial and community service ethos valued by Orr. I look forward to encouraging more students to consider the Orr Fellowship as we continue to train, mentor, and equip Kingdom-class innovators for a lifetime of creative flourishing.”

Senior Graphic Art major Alli Beck, pictured above, will be working for Share Your Genius, a marketing and promotion company.

“This role is something I’m very interested in, and it’s incredible to have this opportunity so early in my career,” said Beck. “I’m excited to be a part of this network of professionals.”

Taylor University graduates excel in acquiring outstanding post-graduate outcomes that regularly outpace the national averages by a significant margin, matching or exceeding those of peer institutions.

These 13 students represent the largest-ever group of Taylor students offered Orr Fellowships, which follows a robust application process. They represented a wide range of academic disciplines, including Graphic Art, Management, Marketing, Computer Science, Public Relations, and more. Last year, eight Taylor students were awarded Orr Fellowships.

About the Orr Fellowship

Orr Fellowship’s mission is to recruit and develop the next generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs. Fellows and partner companies make a two-year commitment to the Orr program. Fellows commit to recruitment, active participation in Orr events and initiatives, and representing the Fellowship well.

Fellows are embedded into a vibrant peer community and a robust alumni network, where they support each other professionally and personally and serve the Indianapolis community by connecting to a variety of causes.

The award’s namesake is the 45th Governor of Indiana, Robert Orr, who served two terms as governor prior to being appointed Ambassador to Singapore by President George H.W. Bush.