The Taylor logo honors the history and heritage we’re blessed to have while serving as a symbol for the students, staff, and faculty of today.

When a symbol holds that much power, we have a responsibility to ensure its use is consistent and aligned with Taylor’s mission, vision, and values.

  • Shield

    The shield, which is the iconic image for higher education, represents the commitment to truth at Taylor University. We bear witness to the love, grace, and truth of Jesus Christ as an academic community dedicated to the pursuit of truth.

  • Cross and Basin

    The T unequivocally represents the cross. To quote former president Dr. Milo Rediger, “It is the greatest symbol and surest guarantee of God’s great love for man.” For someone unfamiliar with Taylor, the U might simply represent the word “University.” However, in the Taylor community, the U symbolizes a basin, the symbol of servant-leadership referenced in John 13 when Jesus washed His disciples’ feet.

  • 1846

    Founded in 1846, Taylor University remains the oldest nondenominational school in the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. The University shares a long-standing history storied with academic excellence, robust traditions, and an unwavering commitment to the Christian faith.

Clear Zone

Clear zone is the area around a logo that no other elements may enter. This space should be kept free of any text or graphics. The clear zone also acts as a buffer against the edges of a document. To calculate the clear space needed for the Taylor logo at any size, use the height of the T in the wordmark. For the shield icon on its own, the clear space should be equal to the height of the basin, or U. 

Minimum Size

There is a minimum size requirement for print, digital, and embroidered applications of the logo to ensure it is always clear and legible. The minimum size requirement is based on the width of the design and applies to all variations of the logo, with the exception of the stand-alone social media mark.
  • Print Minimum Size

    For print applications, the minimum width of the design is 1.5". Vertical logos are the exception, requiring a minimum of 1" width.
  • Digital Minimum Size

    For digital applications, the minimum width is 108 pixels at 72 pixels per inch. Vertical logos are the exception, requiring a minimum of 72 pixels.
  • Embroidery Minimum Size

    For embroidered applications, the minimum width of the shield icon itself is 1.5", regardless of wordmark use.

Department Logos

Taylor University has a specific set of logos for a select number of departments. It is imperative that departments not construct their own logos, so as to maintain consistency across the brand. Marketing will create new logos for departments that have had logos made in the past. Click the button below to view department logos (Taylor login required). Contact Marketing to request a customized logo for your department.

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Color Variants 

The Taylor academic logo allows a variety of color variants that remain consistent in brand and identity. These variations provide options for using the logo on white, purple, gray, and black backgrounds. Please use only this approved set of color options on the backgrounds indicated for their use. When layering a logo on a photo, keep sufficient contrast in mind to allow the logo to be legible. Questions? Contact the Marketing office.

Official Seal

  • Purpose of a Seal

    A seal is a device for authenticating a document and providing evidence of its legitimacy. Over time, the meaning and purpose of the University seal have changed, and yet the use of the seal remains the same: to convey a sense of authority and authenticity. Taylor University’s seal is meant to be used exclusively in the most formal applications and expressions of the University’s identity, reserved as a formal insignia for documents of institutional and legal importance: diplomas, transcripts, certificates, Commencement, academic-related communications, invitations, and banners.

  • Central Cross and Rays of Light

    The most prominent feature of the seal is the cross, which is central to Taylor’s mission, community, and ethos. Taylor is, and remains, Christ-centered. The cross is the most recognized image of the Christian faith, reminding us of Christ’s life, teachings, and ultimate sacrifice. This part of the seal underscores our commitment to faith. Next, the rays of light emanating from the cross remind the viewer that the source of all truth is God Himself. The rays shine boldly beyond the constraints of the shield, just as light eradicates darkness and reveals truth. These rays represent Taylor’s calling to reflect Christ’s light to the world.

  • Lux et Fides

    Lux et Fides, Latin for Light and Faith, is the official University motto. Our Christian faith and the light of learning are core to who we are. Our academic pursuits are not separate from our Christian faith. As we endeavor in our academic pursuits, we bring glory to God because this is an act of worship.

  • 1846

    The 1846 represents our rich history and heritage, underscored by resiliency and strength. Taylor remains the oldest nondenominational school in the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, and we’re proud of our long-standing history storied with academic excellence, robust traditions, and an unwavering commitment to the Christian faith.

  • Seven Stars

    The seven stars represent Taylor’s seven anchor points, listed below. They also point to the light and faith of Jesus Christ, as we are reminded in Philippians 2.

    The top, center star represents the fourth and central anchor point of the seven: Christ-centered.

  • Taylor’s Seven Anchor Points

    1. Whole-Person-Focused: We involve students in learning experiences imbued with a vital Christian interpretation of truth and life which foster their intellectual, emotional, physical, vocational, social, and spiritual development.
    2. Biblically Anchored: We believe that all truth has its source in God and His Word. We are committed individually and collectively to the prayerful study and application of Scripture.
    3. Liberal Arts Grounded: We prepare students to adapt to a fast-changing world, equipped with critical thinking skills, a lifelong love of learning, and an appreciation for God’s creation.
    4. Christ-Centered: Our Christian faith should permeate all learning—leading to a consistent life of worship, servant-leadership, stewardship, and world outreach.
  • Taylor’s Seven Anchor Points

    1. Faith and Learning Integrated: We strive to create specific experiences where the integrative focus of a Christian liberal arts education is clarified, personalized, and applied.
    2. World Engaging: We contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding and serve the evangelical Christian church and the larger public community for the glory of God.
    3. Servant-Leader Motivated: We foster a biblical model of relationships, acknowledging both unity and diversity of the followers of Christ within a covenant community, which can be evidenced in a continuing lifestyle of service to and concern for others.

Clear Zone

For the Taylor seal at any size, the clear space should be equal to half the width of the inner circle.