Roth Center for Missions Computing

We believe that all believers have a role to play in the Great Commission. Since 1980, faculty and students at Taylor University have partnered with missions organizations to develop software, train missionaries in technology use, solve data management problems, and more.

The Roth Center for Missions Computing (RCMC) has worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators, the Navigators, Cru, Operation Mobilisation, among many other groups. Thanks to a transformational gift in 2023 from Gordon and Elaine Vandermuelen, the RCMC is now poised to make an even greater impact on the global Church. The RCMC is named after the late Wally Roth, a longtime computer science professor who started the work of the RCMC over 40 years ago.

What We Do

At Taylor, students get to solve real-world problems and create innovative solutions that changes lives and advances the Gospel. The CMC facilitates connections with missions organizations that provide opportunities for students and faculty to share their skills and abilities in technology.

We count it a privilege to serve and worship alongside our brothers and sisters from around the globe.

Here's a sample of the projects our students have worked on:

  • Provided a framework for the main developer of the Arab Bible for porting the software to Android
  • Designed and created an Android app (now in iOS) that allows users to download and share audio Bibles, Bible studies, and worship music published by Global Recordings Network
  • Enhanced software for VerseMinder Bible memorization app with the Navigators
  • Designed and implemented Dream Suite, softward used by Love Justice to track perpetrators and victims of human trafficking
  • Provided IT infrastructure on OM's Logos Hope ship
  • Designed and prototyped admissions and registration system for Ethnos360's Bible Institutes and Missionary Training Center
  • Worked with The Crescent Project to increase security in donor tracking 

Service Trips

The CMC has organized trips to Thailand, Ecuador, the United Kingdom, and other places to facilitates projects for missions organizations. For January term in 2025, five students travelled to the Netherlands, where they undertook several important projects for a theological seminary that hosts students from all over Africa and Asia.

The RCMC is partnering with mission organizations to plan multiple J-Term trips for 2026 and send out Computer Science & Engineering students to serve over the summer to complete their required practicums. These efforts ensure that Taylor CSE students have ample opportunity to leverage their gifts to serve global missions.  

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