Speaking Courses (SP)
Department of Art, Film, and Media (SP)
- ART 309* Secondary Art Methods (Richardson, H.)
- ART 311* Western Art History I (Smith, R.)
- ART 351 Product ID
- ART 445* Illustration 3: Thesis (Bouw, J.)
- ART 484 Senior Exhibition
- FMA 350 Media Theory and Ethics
- FMA 352 History and Criticism of Film
- FMA 388 Media, Faith, and Culture
Department of Biblical Studies, Christian Ministries, and Philosophy (SP)
- BIB 493 Biblical Literature Capstone
- CMI 262 Personal Foundations for Ministry
- CMI 351 Teaching and Learning Strategies
- GRK 302* Exegesis of the Greek New Testament
- PHI 425 Philosophical and Theological Methods
- REL 432* World Missions Area Studies (Collins, J.)
Department of Biology, Environmental Science, Public Health, and Sustainable Development (SP)
- BIO 307* Vertebrate Natural History (Reber, J.)
- BIO 432* Developmental Biology (Vanderploeg, J.)
- BIO 462 Molecular Genetics
- BIO 471* Microbiology and Immunology (Vanderploeg, J.)
- BIO 493 Biology Senior Capstone
- ENS 361* Geomorphology (Guebert, M.)
- ENS 362* Hydrogeology (Guebert, M.)
- ENS 383* Environmental Ethics (Guebert, M.)
Department of Business (SP)
- ECO 442 Economic Development
- ENT 310 Creativity and Concept Development
- FIN 330 Investments
- FIN 390* Behavioral Finance (See Department for Faculty)
- ITB 375* International Business (Sherlock, J.)
- MGT 352 Management Analysis and Practice
- MGT 442 Business Ethics
- MGT 452* Strategic Management (Sherlock. J.)
- MKT 231 Principles of Marketing
- MKT 312* Professional Selling (Sherlock, J.)
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (SP)
- CHE 312 Organic Chemistry II
- CHE 420 Chemistry Thesis
Department of Communication (SP)
- CAC 220 Essentials of Written Communication
- CAC 340 Intercultural Communication
- COM 372 Persuasion
- JRN 255 Media and Society
- PBR 261 Introduction to Public Relations
- PBR 361 Public Relations Cases and Campaigns
- PWR 486* Senior Portfolio Development (Taylor, L.)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (SP)
- COS 311 Ethics in Computer Science
- COS 433 Missions Computing Senior Project
- COS 453 Research II
- COS 492 Senior Project
- COS 494 Engineering Senior Capstone II
- SYS 390 Information Systems Analysis
Department of Education (SP)
- EDU 351 Methods and Materials for Elementary Teachers
- EDU 393 Practicum
- EDU 421 Supervised Internship in Elementary Schools
- EDU 431 Supervised Internship in Secondary Schools
- EDU 493 Elementary Education Senior Capstone
- TSL 211 Teaching English Internationally
- TSL 482 Seminar with Field Experience in TESOL
Department of English and Modern Languages (SP)
- ENG 305* Writing Theory and Grammar (King, C.)
- ENG 362* Shakespeare (Mook, L.)
- ENG 493* English Capstone (Dayton, N., Mook, L.)
- SPA 305 Communication in Spanish
- SPA 480 Seminar
Department of History, Global, and Political Studies (SP)
- GBS 130* Introduction to Global Studies (Johnson, K. )
- HIS 227* War in American History (Wetzel, B.)
- HIS 321 Modern Middle East
- HIS 317* The Gilded Age and Progressive Era (1877-1920) (Wetzel, B.)
- HIS 386* Constitutional Law II: Civil Liberties and Rights (Miller, J.)
- HIS 391* The World Since 1945 (Jones, T.)
- HIS 392* Twentieth Century US History (Jones, T.)
- OVC 493 Senior Capstone
- POS 232 Political Thinking
- POS 304* Global Governance (Kerton-Johnson, N.)
- POS 321 Modern Middle East
- POS 325* American Foreign Policy (Kerton-Johnson, N.)
- POS 386* Constitutional Law II: Civil Liberties and Rights (Miller, J.)
- POS 462 Theories of International Relations
- PPE 467 Senior Seminar
Department of Kinesiology (SP)
- EXS 306 Physiology of Exercise
- EXS 453* Physical Fitness Prescription (Renfrow, M.)
- KIN 355 Research Methods
Department of Mathematics (SP)
- MAT 392* Mathematics Seminar (Case, J.)
- MAT 493 Senior Capstone
Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance (SP)
- MUS 362 Conducting II
- MUS 372 Music History and Literature II
- MUS 440 Vocal Pedagogy and Literature
- THR 112* Performing Literature (Manning, T.)
- THR 402 Contemporary American Theatre
Department of Physics and Engineering (SP)
- ENP 252 Principles of Engineering
- PHY 413* Quantum Mechanics II (Kiers, K.)
- PHY 493 Physics Senior Capstone (Kiers, K.)
Department of Psychology (SP)
- PSY 320* Multicultural Psychology (Maloney, V.)
- PSY 321* Social Psychology (Maloney, V.)
- PSY 410* Motivation (McClelland, L.)
- PSY 411* Learning: Theory and Application (Edwards, L.)
- PSY 420* Cognition (McClelland, L.)
- PSY 422* Psychological Testing (Maloney, V.)
- PSY 461* Fundamentals of Counseling (Maloney, V.; Dungan, D.)
Department of Sociology and Social Work (SP)
- ANT 280* Anthropology of Study Abroad, Short-term Mission, and Tourism (See Department for Faculty)
- SOC 350* Social Research Methods (Bird, S.)
- SOC 493* Sociology Integrative Seminar (Jessup, M.)
- SOC 498 Sociology Senior Thesis
- SWK 354 Social Work Process and Practice II
- SWK 362 Social Policy
Additional Courses (SP)
- HPH 310* Cardiorespiratory Physiology and Chronic Disease (Dykstra, B.)
- IAS 320* Cross-Cultural Outreach (Hoffman, E.)