For 175 years, Taylor has been focused on ministering to a world in need. In recent years, one avenue for this ministry has involved the University’s catalyzing entrepreneurial interests among students and faculty in ways not seen before. Experiential learning in the sciences has included launching satellites in partnership with NASA, which has given rise to a new company that has launched over 500 satellite systems into space. Through 1846 Enterprises, the University supports new ventures in both the private and nonprofit sectors such as Inroads Analytics and Kershner Commons, LLC. Also, the annual “Shark Tank” program of the Calling and Career Office prepares teams of students to pitch their ideas to potential backers.

Alongside these ventures, Taylor has a long history of contributing to our local community. We seek the peace and the prosperity of our community because we want Taylor to thrive alongside of, not at the expense of, our local community. A recent community health initiative, spurred by philanthropy from the Lilly Endowment, has raised the attention of Taylor faculty, staff, and students to the health needs of Grant and Blackford counties. Creative partnerships with IU Health, among others, have created space for Taylor people to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors and friends through health coaching and wellness-education programs. 

Building upon our legacy and attending to newer developments that God has made possible, we aspire to harness the innovative and entrepreneurial energy of our campus to create a more robust ecosystem of care and development for our community. We will accomplish this through several related initiatives in Priority Pillar 4: Improve Our Campus and County with Entrepreneurial Energy.

Primary Components of Priority Pillar 4: Improve our Campus and County with Entrepreneurial Energy

In many ways, the success of our region and Taylor are intertwined. Investments in our local community will pay dividends in making this area an even more attractive home for our students and employees while also bringing significant benefits to the local community.

  1. Form a taskforce to identify short- and long-term options to increase the quantity of housing stock for Taylor employees and for others who may wish to move to the area with a report to be offered to the Board in February of 2023. [Year 1]
  2. Launch a taskforce to identify opportunities to support the economic development of the area by engaging Taylor alumni, parents, and supporters to relocate their ministries, businesses, and organizations to the area with a report to be offered to the Board in February of 2023. [Year 1]
  3. Capitalize on growing awareness of and interest in the work Taylor can do to invest in the health of Grant County, identifying key areas for additional investment that benefit both our community and students in the health professions. [Years 1-5]
  4. Complete renovations in Helena to allow Taylor to showcase the Boren Western Art Collection and market it as an additional draw to the Upland area. [Year 1]
  5. Create an attractive and recognizable main entry point to campus through the creation of a new campus gateway along Reade Avenue. [Years 3-4]

Elements of technology at Taylor are aging, and several departments use software systems that do not align with one another. Multiple, dated systems require significant time and resources to remain operational. A strategic investment in this area has the potential to improve security, secure cost savings in the long run, and to streamline the work of many on campus.

  1. Explore other Learning Management Systems and make a transition, if warranted, after the University’s contract with BlackBoard concludes in 2024. [Year 3]
  2. Reduce duplication in systems used across campus, seeking to secure savings of both time and budget while increasing security. [Years 1-5]
  3. Comprehensively review and assess Taylor’s IT and data security, identifying needed security investments as well as changes to policies and training. [Years 1-3]
  4. In year one of the strategic plan, identify a baseline for and then measurably improve the customer service experience of students, faculty, and staff in information technology support. [Years 1-5]
  5. Analyze Taylor’s enterprise data architecture, considering the interplay between major products on campus, as the University seeks to proactively prepare for the future. [Years 1-5]
  6. Make needed investments to refresh Taylor's classroom technology and to prepare Taylor’s academic unit for expanded distance learning opportunities. [Years 1-2]
  7. Review opportunities to utilize technology to transform the customer experience at Taylor by improving processes and workflows on and off campus. [Years 1-5]
  8. Partner with campus stakeholders to identify key performance indicators and other relevant reporting needs to support informed decision-making. [Years 1-5]

There is clear entrepreneurial energy on campus, with multiple groups doing good work in this space. We believe the whole will be significantly greater than the sum of the parts. Growing interest on campus coincides with the priorities of the State of Indiana and a significant interest area for prospective students.

  1. Launch a center or initiative that will formalize and bring together entrepreneurial work taking place in multiple areas of our campus. [Year 1]
  2. Create a dedicated space for entrepreneurship on campus. [Years 2-3]
  3. Develop external partnerships with entrepreneurial networks within the Christian community. [Years 1-2]
  4. Launch academic and/or summer programs for pre-collegiate and traditional students to hone entrepreneurial skills. [Year 2]

Parents, students, alumni, faculty, and staff all noted the need for Taylor to make investments in aging infrastructure and facilities to provide a better experience and to remain competitive. We believe modest, targeted investments will make a significant difference.

  1. Make critical investments in Hodson Dining Commons infrastructure and appearance, defining the scope of what needs to be done and then beginning work in FY2023. [Years 1-4]
  2. Make needed aesthetic improvements in residence halls, starting with areas of greatest need in FY2023. [Years 1-5]
  3. Improve lighting and pathways on campus. [Year 1]
  4. In year one of the strategic plan, establish an annual satisfaction survey for services provided by the health clinic. Once a baseline is established, work to make incremental improvement over years 2-5 of the strategic plan. [Years 1-5]