For too long, Taylor has hidden its light under a bushel. Every constituent group of the University believes Taylor needs to invest more resources in 1) raising the University’s profile; 2) engaging our constituents more effectively and consistently; and 3) reaching a significantly larger segment of the Christian world. As part of this, Taylor needs to share more of its strengths with communities beyond our campus. Through expanded service-learning opportunities for students, speaking engagements for Taylor faculty at churches and schools around the country, and traveling groups of Taylor students around the world (in the arts and athletics, to name just two), the University’s visibility will increase. In the process, more prospective families and supporters will come to know Taylor University and the excellent, Christ-centered education we provide.

The current moment, however, requires deeper understanding of Taylor’s brand and its unique strengths with a subsequent refresh of all the University’s brand assets—from the website to logos and wordmarks, to key messaging points. Once the refresh is completed, we need to make measurable progress in increasing brand awareness and loyalty each year for four years. In the process, more people will come to appreciate Taylor’s unique contribution to the wider academy and the global church. This will require investments in marketing, enrollment, and communication—in terms of both people and resources. It will also require an investment in the campus “welcome” experience so that visitors come to admire Taylor and its distinctive strengths. We also hope that over these five years, Taylor will assume a leadership position in terms of welcoming campus visitors compared to our competitors. In the process, we hope to increase the confidence of alumni and parents in recommending the University to those within their circles of influence. Finally, we aspire to greatly increase our digital engagement with prospective students, alumni, parents, and supporters and for each of these groups to better understand, articulate, and value Taylor’s unique strengths within an growingly competitive higher education marketplace. The following are strategic objectives we are pursuing for Priority Pillar 2: Telling the Taylor Story.

Primary Components of Priority Pillar 2: Telling the Taylor Story

Servant-leadership development is part and parcel of all we do at Taylor, but few beyond our campus associate this key value with a Taylor education. Our world desperately needs the education Taylor offers, and we need to do much more to share what Taylor has to offer in this regard.

  1. Complete a brand study, working to identify perceived areas of strength and to completely overhaul Taylor's marketing efforts. [Year 1]
  2. Enhance the marketing and communications plan for each academic affinity area to draw students through the recruiting funnel. [Years 1-5]
  3. Overhaul the Taylor website to match the outcome of the Taylor brand study. [Year 3]
  4. Maintain or increase the academic quality (measured by high school GPA and standardized test scores) of incoming students, even as we seek undergraduate enrollment growth. [Years 1-5]

Key investments in people, technology, and facilities will make a significant difference in helping Taylor thrive in a competitive marketplace.

  1. Incorporate student talent as micro-influencers to advance the University's brand through social media and other organic networks where students can recommend Taylor and increase the University's visibility. [Years 1-5]
  2. Invest in key communications technologies (electronic newsletters, videos, etc.) and spaces (digital studios) that will elevate our outreach efforts to all constituents. [Years 1-2]
  3. Increase Taylor's brand awareness and loyalty (exact measures to be determined following the conclusion of the brand study process). [Years 2-5]
  4. Identify and later implement investments (personnel and/or equipment) needed to expand and improve the University’s ability to livestream chapel, athletic competitions, theater, musical performances, and other events offered on campus. [Year 1]
  5. Design, fund, and build a welcome center to elevate the campus visit experience, which is increasingly important in drawing prospective students to the University. [Years 3-4]

We know that bringing individuals to campus significantly increases their likelihood of enrolling. When that is not possible, the next best thing is bringing Taylor to them. Several affordable strategies can make a difference in growing awareness of Taylor around the country and the globe.

  1. Expand the work of church relations to partner regularly with 20 key Taylor-connected churches that have the potential to impact Taylor's enrollment the most. [Years 1-5]
  2. Create a Taylor speakers bureau and pulpit supply group to promote the work of our faculty and staff, placing them in high impact speaking opportunities at schools, companies, and churches. [Year 2]
  3. Launch a set of annual, regional events to take Taylor on the road, reconnecting with alumni and introducing the University to a set of students who might not otherwise interact with Taylor. [Years 1-5]