Online Science, Technology, & Math Courses


Course Description

A study of selected topics from set theory, matrices, systems of linear equations and inequalities, linear programming, counting and probability, statistics, and mathematics of finance.  Prerequisite:  A good understanding of algebra.

Learning Results 

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Understand and use the basic concepts of finite mathematics including areas of linear mathematics, matrices, probability and statistics, and mathematics of finance.
  • Appreciate many of the ways finite mathematics can be used to help us understand the world around us. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to solve problems in the various areas of finite mathematics.
  • Experience doing mathematics cooperatively. 
  • Effectively use technology to study mathematics.  

Pearson MyLab is used in this course and instructions on how to purchase is explained upon registration. MyLab has a $75.00 fee. Students will need to use a TI-84 calculator. 

Learning Documentation

This course consists of:

  • 3 tests
  • 1 cumulative final
  • 1 weekly quiz
  • MyLab homework
  • 2 projects in excel


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Elyse Culver

  • PhD, Mathematics, North Carolina State University (2019)
  • MMath, First Class Honors, Mathematics, University of United Kingdom (2015)

Course Description

The course covers the basic statistical methods for describing data, linear regression and correlation, sampling, experimental design, probability and probability distributions, confidence intervals, and tests of hypotheses.

Learning Results 

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Define and use statistical terms and methods accurately.
  • Understand and use basic statistical methods for describing data.
  • Use linear regression and correlation to depict relationships.
  • Collect representative samples from population data.
  • Design reliable experiments and observational studies.
  • Understand basic probability distributions and the sampling distribution.
  • Apply inferential statistical methods including estimation techniques (confidence intervals) and hypothesis testing for one proportion, two proportions, one mean, two means, paired comparisons, and Chi-square relationships.
  • Develop statistical thinking—using data to make decisions.

In connection with the Taylor University foundational core, this course will enhance communication fluency by adding statistical tools and reasoning, develop critical thinking skills using data and probability to inform decisions, increase quantitative literacy with new concepts and procedures, and contribute to spiritual maturity as students use statistical tools to inform their faith. 


This course uses an eText (Beginning Statistics, 3rd Edition) as part of Hawkes Learning System. You will purchase access to both Hawkes Learning and the eText once you’ve been enrolled. Details are posted in Brightspace. For those that prefer a hard copy, there is also an option within the course to purchase the printed materials at a discount.

Please be sure to order the 3RD EDITION of the text.

A Graphing Calculator is needed—TI-83/84 recommended 

Learning Documentation

There are 4 unit/chapter tests, 8 application assignments, 4 sets of practice problems, and a final cumulative exam.

Learning Evaluation

The practice problems are worth 20% of the final grade, the application assignments are worth 15%, the chapter tests are worth 50%, and the final exam is worth 15%.


Elyse Culver headshot

Elyse Culver

  • PhD, Mathematics, North Carolina State University (2019)
  • MMath, First Class Honors, Mathematics, University of United Kingdom (2015)

Health Science

Course Description

This course will assist students in developing an understanding of human flourishing founded on biblical principles and scientific evidence in the areas of sleep, stress and time management, nutrition, and various aspects of physical fitness. Students will engage in various assignments and physical activities related to these areas with the purpose of providing the abilities to make healthy lifestyle and behavior choices.

Learning Results 

During the course of study, the student will:

  • Explore the connection between faith and healthy living-including physical fitness, health and wellness.
  • Explore fundamental concepts of healthy living-with emphasis on various components (overall physical fitness, nutrition, stress and sleep).
  • Implement the practice of physical activity on a weekly basis to improve overall health and fitness.
  • Complete various physical fitness and health/wellness evaluations and explore the connection between those components and the practice of personal application of those areas for a healthy approach to living.
  • Have the opportunity to establish a personal approach to address healthy living at this stage of life and provide a foundation to carry-over this approach to healthy living for the next stage of life. 

*This course requires a subscription to MindTap and the eTextbook is included. It is not necessary to purchase a hard copy of the textbook. 

Learning Documentation

This course consists of textbook readings and post-tests, weekly exercise logs, subject specific activity assignments and lab activities (including those addressing physical fitness components).

*Please note: This course requires a minimum of 12 weeks to complete successfully.

Course Description

This course provides the opportunity to develop and implement a physical fitness program to meet your specific needs and desires for a healthy lifestyle.

Learning Results

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will:

  • Have a working knowledge and understanding of the health-related components of physical fitness.
  • Complete a battery of pre and post-tests.
  • Identify any components of physical fitness in which he/she may be at health risk as indicated by the results of the physical fitness testing and create goals for a 10-12 week fitness program that would directly affect those risks.
  • Design a personal physical fitness program that will be implemented for a 10-12 week time period.
  • Exercise aerobically at least three times per week and document by keeping an exercise log.
  • Implement a full body weight lifting program at least two times per week and document by keeping an exercise log.
  • Demonstrate improvement in his/her level of physical fitness by the end of the course.
  • Successfully complete cognitive assignments including a research paper relating to health and wellness as well as be able to write a personal reflection paper on the benefit of physical fitness personally.
Learning Documentation 

This course consists of 7 assignments including a 12-week exercise program.

Learning Evaluation

Assignments range from 10 to 100 points each, for a total of 300 points possible.


Elyse Culver headshot

Amy Stucky

  • PhD, Global Leadership, Indiana Tech University (in progress)
  • MA, Physical Education/Sport Administration, Ball State University
  • BA, Biology, Taylor University

Contact Us

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Phone: 1-800-845-3149 | 765-998-4130
Fax: 765-998-4577