Scripture Engagement (Minor)

Our world desperately needs the Church to be rooted in His Word, trusting God and knowing that our identity rests in Him.

The Bible is the primary way God communicates about who He is. But research has shown that studying the Bible alone does not result in a transformed Christian life. Rather, spiritual transformation comes through interacting with Scripture in a relational way—reflecting, meditating, contemplating. That's what truly enhances our relationship with God and transforms us into His image.

That's what you'll find at Taylor. We have uniquely brought together academic study and the relational reading of Scripture: Scripture Engagement.

Taylor is a pioneer in Scripture Engagement, having founded the Center for Scripture Engagement in 2009. Integrating faith and learning not only complements academic pursuits and spiritual formation, but further aligns with our mission to develop servant-leaders. Starting Fall 2023, all incoming students will learn and practice Scripture Engagement through a dedicated minor (17 credits) as part of Taylor's Foundational Core requirements.

Scripture Engagement Degree Options

  • Minor in Scripture Engagement

View Curriculum

Center for Scripture Engagement

The Center produces in-depth research on Scripture Engagement, diagnostic surveys for ministries and individuals, training on Scripture Engagement practices, and resources.

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Scripture Engagement Curriculum Guides & Degree Options

Students interested in course descriptions and academic policies can check out our Undergraduate Catalog.

A Taylor liberal arts education will prepare you to live and work in a fast-changing world. It also goes a step further: laying a strong spiritual foundation that cultivates wisdom. You’ll become a well-versed individual, equipped with critical thinking skills, a lifelong love of learning, and an appreciation for God’s creation.

View Foundational Core Curriculum.

Scripture Engagement Classes

These classes show how Scripture Engagement brings the academic study of the Bible to life. As you move through the classes, various tools and techniques build, cultivating a deep sense of wisdom and understanding of the Bible.

Scripture Engagement is part of the Biblical Studies, Christian Ministries, Intercultural Studies & Philosophy Department 

May Young
Department Chair and Associate Professor of Biblical Studies


Elissa Bennett
Biblical Studies, Christian Ministries, Intercultural Studies & Philosophy Program Assistant


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