Exercise Science (Major)

Learn how physical activity and proper nutrition can improve holistic health and human performance—mind, body, and soul.

Exercise Science majors have access to opportunities for direct patient clinical hours, life-changing study abroad experiences, and research opportunities. With personalized academic guidance from faculty with industry expertise, our students are regularly accepted into the best PT, OT, and medical graduate programs in the country, with a 99% acceptance rate.

Exercise Science Degrees

  • BA in Exercise Science
  • BS in Exercise Science

  • Degree

View Curriculum

Build Skills In: 

  • Chemistry 
  • Biology 
  • Anatomy and physiology 
  • Fitness and performance assessment 
  • Health psychology  

Career Opportunities:

  • Physical therapist
  • Occupational therapist
  • Athletic trainer
  • Exercise physiologist
  • Chiropractor
  • Cardiac rehab specialist
  • Physician assistant
  • Pharmacist

Clinical Experiences

Work directly with patients and clients through local clinical experiences.

Exercise Science at Taylor

With a passion for human health, Taylor’s Exercise Science majors learn how physical activity and proper nutrition can improve holistic health and human performance—body, mind, and soul.  

As an Exercise Science major, you will take chemistry, biology, and anatomy and physiology courses to learn how the body adapts acutely and chronically to exercise. Classes in fitness and performance assessment will teach you proper techniques to determine an individual’s health risks and needs and the best exercise prescriptions and nutritional regimes.  

But preparation for your career and calling doesn’t stop with classes. Exercise Science majors have access to opportunities for direct patient clinical hours, life-changing study abroad experiences, and research opportunities. With personalized academic guidance from faculty with industry expertise, it’s no wonder our students regularly are accepted into the best PT, OT, and medical graduate programs in the country, with a 99% acceptance rate.  

Roadmap to Grad School

Taylor has paved the path to graduate school for you with articulation agreements with top universities. Following application and other requirements, you will be well on your way to your next step in your healthcare career. Talk to your academic advisor for more information. 

  • Washington University, Doctor of Physical Therapy
  • Manchester University, Master of Athletic Training
  • Indiana Wesleyan University, Doctor of Occupational Therapy 
  • Indiana Wesleyan University, Doctor of Physical Therapy

Practice Your Passion

  • The Invitation program helps local community members to form lifestyle habits that prevent diabetes and other preventable diseases. Currently, it is on track to become a CDC-certified program. 
  • Live Well, is a family-based, clinical program in partnership with Marion Pediatrics. Supervised by faculty, students coach children and their families to create and sustain healthy movement, dietary, and sleep habits. 
  • Fit into Health brings students alongside adults through a personal training program. Students assess their clients’ fitness and health, and design workouts to help them reach their goals. One-on-one exercise sessions take place on campus. 
  • Other opportunities include cardiac rehab and CNA training. 

Exercise Science Curriculum & Degree Options

Students interested in course descriptions and academic policies can check out our Undergraduate Catalog.

A Taylor liberal arts education will prepare you to live and work in a fast-changing world. It also goes a step further: laying a strong spiritual foundation that cultivates wisdom. You’ll become a well-versed individual, equipped with critical thinking skills, a lifelong love of learning, and an appreciation for God’s creation.

View Foundational Core Curriculum.

  • Study Abroad in Ecuador

    This study abroad program in Ecuador provides a full-immersion experience into Latin American culture, the Spanish language, and the beautiful country of Ecuador while taking classes in a major field of study or in general education.  

    Departmental courses and practicum experience in the students’ areas of specialization are provided in Biology, Business, Christian Education, and Exercise Science, as well as general education courses in history, literature, and science. 

    Go To Ecuador

  • Research Opportunities

    Exercise Science majors propose and conduct interdisciplinary research with professional-grade equipment in the Human Performance Laboratory and Eichling Aquatics Wing as well as in our local communities.  

    Students present their research at local and international conferences, such as the annual Experimental Biology conference or the Midwestern American College of Sports Medicine conference. 

  • Sara Malliet

    Class of 2019

    My professors at Taylor taught me the importance of and meaning behind work. In one of my Exercise Science classes, we read Dorothy Sayers’ essay “Why Work?” There, she wrote that work must serve God, and the worker must serve the work.

  • Jared Adkins

    Class of 2018

    When my medical school advisor saw I went to Taylor, her first comment was that she knew I would do well in medical school because Taylor students always do well in their program.

  • Elizabeth Bjornsen

    Class of 2019

    Taylor gave me opportunities to apply what I’d learned. I worked full-time with a student-led personal training program, volunteered at a hospital, performed research, and presented at a Regional ACSM conference.

Exercise Science is part of the Kinesiology Department

Brandon Dykstra
Department Chair and Associate Professor of Kinesiology


Wendy Wagoner
Program Assistant for Kinesiology


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