Taylor University does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice to students, and we are not responsible for any use you make of the information in this publication. The receipt of Form 1098-T needs to indicate eligibility for the tax credit.
How do I access the 1098T?
The 1098-T tax statement is available online at the Student Account site and on TOWER. It is highly recommended that you obtain the 1098-T from TOWER, as the TOWER version provides details of reported information needed for tax filing. In compliance with Taylor University’s electronic records, procedures, and policies, the 1098-T was not mailed via U.S. Mail as it is available online.
Please provide your 1098-T tax statement to your parent or add "view 1098T' as an option to their authorized user status and give access to the TOWER Proxy. Graduates and students not currently enrolled can still access their Student Account to obtain their forms. Use your Taylor ID (including the “@” sign) and Date of Birth (MMDDYY) to log in.
Why do the numbers on Form 1098-T not equal the amounts I paid to Taylor University during the year?
Box 1 only represents amounts paid for qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE). It does not include payments made for room and board, insurance, health service fees, or parking, which, though necessary, are not considered mandatory education expenses for tax purposes. Secondly, Form 1098-T reports the amounts the student paid in a particular year for (QTRE), and the pay date does not necessarily correspond to the term attendance dates. For example, tuition for the Spring semester is typically billed in December, and payments and financial aid are posted for that billed term in the subsequent year. The best and most accurate source of information about the amounts you paid for qualified tuition and related expenses will be your Bills obtained in your student account home screen.
Qualified Tuition and related expenses: It is highly recommended that you obtain the
1098-T from TOWER, as the TOWER version provides details of reported information needed for tax filing.