English (Major)

Choose one of the most beneficial degrees for the workplace.   

Prospective employers in many fields consistently identify an English major as one of their top choices for new hires. Why? Because English majors: 

  • Read widely
  • Engage multiple perspectives
  • Write and speak well
  • Think critically and deeply

These attributes prepare them for success in any area of endeavor.

As an English major, you’ll choose to concentrate in one of three tracks: Creative Writing, Literature, and English Education. You’ll experience beautifully written literature, encouragement to develop your own writing voice and style, and countless opportunities for discussion, collaboration, and learning from each other.  

Work with faculty who care deeply for you as a person, and, most importantly, who will inspire you to deepen your relationship with Christ by actively engaging your faith in your study of literature and writing. 

English Degrees

  • BA in English—Creative Writing
  • BA in English—Literature
  • BS in English/Systems—Creative Writing
  • BS in English/Systems—Literature

  • Degree

View Curriculum

Build Skills In: 

  • Developing your writing style and voice 
  • Critical approaches to literature 
  • Discussion and collaboration 
  • Editing 

Career Opportunities: 

  • Digital copywriter 
  • Editorial assistant 
  • Magazine journalist 
  • Newspaper journalist 
  • English teacher 
  • Web content manager 
  • Writer 
  • Lexicographer 
  • Publishing copyeditor/proofreader

Publishing, Research, and Internships

Apply classroom skills and knowledge to real life writing and editing endeavors on campus.

English Curriculum Guides & Degree Options

Creative Writing Concentration 

Reading great writing is a stimulus for thought and as models for emulation. Classes teach writing techniques and characteristics specific to genres of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. You’ll focus on the practices of generating ideas, workshopping, and revision while being encouraged to explore different voices and styles. 

Literature Concentration 

Explore literature through a focus on genre. Reflect on the impact of history, culture, and worldview upon literature through classes organized by period and tradition, such as Medieval, Renaissance, Restoration and Eighteenth Century, Romantic, Victorian and Modern British Literature, and American Literature of all eras. You’ll consider the impact of race and ethnicity and delve deeply into the works of Shakespeare. Our Critical Approaches to Literature class, a prerequisite to all our upper division literature classes, assures that majors are given the necessary background to apply and understand many of the most prominent critical positions. 

English Education 

Combines courses from creative writing and literature concentrations with a deep educational foundation that prepares you to teach at the middle school and high school levels. Education courses provide practical training in educational psychology, classroom management and discipline, and assessment methods for the classroom. You’ll learn varied approaches to teaching English and engaging secondary education students in English literature and creative writing. All English Education majors complete a semester of full-time student teaching during their senior year. 

A Taylor liberal arts education will prepare you to live and work in a fast-changing world. It also goes a step further: laying a strong spiritual foundation that cultivates wisdom. You’ll become a well-versed individual, equipped with critical thinking skills, a lifelong love of learning, and an appreciation for God’s creation.

View Foundational Core Curriculum.

  • Literary London J-Term Trip

    This academic tour allows students to study the works of major British authors and to visit the homes and locations that inspired their literature. Authors have included Jane Austen, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkein, Thomas Hardy, Charles Dickens, Samuel Johnson, Shakespeare, and others. Most of the trip is centered in London, with trips to Oxford, Stratford-upon-Avon, Edinburgh, and other locations enriching the experience. 

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  • Internships

    Gain internship experience through working with faculty to publish Cheers!, the biannual newsletter of the Flannery O’Connor Society housed at Taylor, or through summer internships with publishing companies or journals. English faculty are especially receptive to working with students in co-producing scholarly work; this has sometimes resulted in published articles and conference presentations. Paid job opportunities include being a writing consultant in the Writing Center, a peer-based writing service, or by tutoring for the Academic Enrichment Center. 
  • Conferences and Camps

    The English department hosts a biannual undergraduate conference, Making Literature, which gives students the opportunity to present papers for presentation, moderate paper sessions, and participate in the exciting logistics of hosting a national conference.

    Participate in WORDshop!, an on-campus writing camp for area youth designed and taught by English education majors, who have the opportunity to learn how to build a writing community and encourage young writers. 

English is part of the English & Modern Languages Department

Carie King
Department Chair; Associate Professor of English


Melinda Clester
English & Modern Languages Program Assistant


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