Taylor’s net price calculator is a tool to help you estimate your financial aid eligibility by answering a few questions about your family resources and your current GPA and test scores. It is good to have your most recently completed tax returns on hand as it will ask for a few data elements from them. You can guestimate the responses, but the more accurate the answers, the more accurate the estimate will be for you.
The estimated financial aid provided is based on 2024–25 figures and may not represent everything you are eligible for depending on other Taylor scholarships or outside scholarships for which you may apply. The costs provided are based on 2024–25 fall and spring terms. If you plan to attend Taylor’s January term, a 3-week session between the fall and spring semesters, then there are additional costs.
Again, the information provided is simply an estimate to help you get an idea of funding options. To get an accurate representation of your financial aid eligibility, apply to Taylor first. Then fill out your FAFSA, making sure to send the data to Taylor University by adding our FAFSA Code (001838) when college codes are requested. Once we have your information, we’ll create custom financial aid package just for you. The Taylor Admissions and Financial Aid teams are just a call or email away and ready to help with any questions.
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