Federal Work Study is a form of financial assistance that allows students to earn money through on-campus employment. It is need-based and requires the student to file the FAFSA. The Federal Work Study (FWS) program is different from other awards:

  1. FWS is not a guaranteed amount. It is the student’s responsibility to find a FWS job on campus.
  2. FWS earnings are paid directly to the student through payroll. It is up to the student to determine how to spend the amount; it is not automatically applied toward tuition fees.

The Work Study Process

  1. Log in to myfa.taylor.edu. Go to the Awards tab. If Federal Work Study (FWS) is listed, you are eligible.
  2. Search for on-campus jobs in the "Employment" tab on the myTAYLOR Portal.
  3. Before beginning your campus job, fill out the necessary employment forms at Human Resources. This can be done at the start of the school year.

Additional Materials