The Campaign for Taylor

Life to the Full

Campaign Progress


As of February 2025

$500M Goal

Campaign Goals

Widen the Circle of Learners


of $70M

Tell the Taylor Story


of $60M

Invest in Our People


of $60M

Catalyze Entrepreneurial Energy


of $115M

Ensure Excellence & Affordability


of $120M

Develop Servant-Leaders


of $75M

More Than a Campaign

“At Taylor University, we know who we are, and we boldly proclaim that Christ is the center of everything we do. Life to the Full is more than an ambitious campaign; the Board of Trustees and I view this as a calling from God to make room for more mission-aligned students.”

D. Michael Lindsay, Ph.D.
Taylor University President and Professor of Sociology

Life to the Full: The Campaign for Taylor represents the largest fundraising effort in Taylor’s 179-year history and one of the largest fundraising initiatives ever for a Christian college. We are thankful for the generosity of so many during the leadership phase of the campaign which began in 2022. We invite alumni, parents, and friends to join this campaign that will have a generational impact on Taylor and the Kingdom of God around the world.

Gifts from alumni, family, and friends have funded initiatives including:

  • Horne Academic Center
  • PhD in Leadership
  • Hodson Dining Commons Renovation
  • Stillman Fieldhouse
  • Roth Center for Missions Computing
  • Residential Village
Campaign Donors
Taylor Thrives Initiatives Completed
7-figure or more gifts received

Campaign Priorities

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

Make a Gift