The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that postsecondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs disclose certain information to students (Student Consumer Information). In compliance with federal law, Taylor University discloses the following information.

For any questions or concerns on this information, please contact the Office of Institutional Research, 765-998-4627.

Taylor University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) ( and has held this status since 1947. Following reaffirmation of accreditation in 2018, Taylor University transitioned from HLC’s Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) to the Open Pathway for accreditation. This change was prompted by HLC’s decision to discontinue AQIP. The University had followed the AQIP pathway from 2004 to 2018. Taylor was approved to offer online associate degrees in 1998 and graduate programs in 2003. The University was accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education-Indiana Professional Standards Board in 1962, the National Association of Schools of Music in 1970, the Council on Social Work Education in 1980, and the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) in 2016. The Computer Engineering and Engineering programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. Taylor University’s Chemistry (BS) is certified by the American Chemical Society.

As an accredited institution, Taylor University is dedicated to high performance and to our stakeholders. View Accreditations and Memberships for a complete list of accreditation documents maintained and available for review, upon request, at the Office of the Provost (765-998-5200).

Accreditation—Open Pathway

Taylor University was initially accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) in 1947. From 2004 to 2018, Taylor’s chosen pathway for accreditation was the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) with a distinct focus on continuous quality improvement.

Following a Comprehensive Quality Review, Taylor University’s accreditation was reaffirmed in 2018. Just prior to this accreditation milestone, HLC announced that AQIP would be discontinued. Subsequently, Taylor transitioned to the Open Pathway. This pathway option has a clear focus on quality assurance and institutional improvement.

Taylor’s upcoming accreditation activities on the Open Pathway include the following:

Academic Programs

Information concerning Taylor University’s academic programs is found in the academic catalog and, for distance learning degrees and courses, visit Taylor University Online. Transfer of credit policies are available on below or by contacting the Office of the Registrar at 765-998-5129 or Currently, Taylor has no articulation agreements with any other university.

Taylor University prepares teachers for initial state certification and provides an annual report to the state. This page includes both Title II and Title II Transition to Teaching. Information about academic and other physical plant facilities that relate to the academic program and information about faculty and other instructional personnel can be obtained from the academic catalog, and distance learning. For students who live or plan to live outside of Indiana after licensure in the following programs, please refer to the Professional Licensure Board/Agency for your state below:

Taylor campuses are drug, alcohol and tobacco free. Additionally, all students and employees willingly agree to the responsibilities and expectations for Taylor community life, as identified by the Life Together Covenant found in the Student Handbook and in the Master Policy Handbook.

In compliance with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, information about the intercollegiate athletic program is available here. The report includes the number of participants by gender for each team and a list of varsity teams, and also includes duplicated participant headcount, total operating expenses, head coach gender with time status as coach and as employee of institution, number and gender of assistant coaches and their time status as coach and as employee of institution. Total revenues and expenditures, total money spent on athletically related student aid, average salaries for coaches and assistant coaches and total expenses are also included. A copy of the report is available online at the U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education Equity in Athletics Disclosure website. A paper copy is also available by contacting the Office of Institutional Research at 765-998-4627.

In the event of an emergency or catastrophic disaster, Taylor’s Emergency and Health Services (EHS) mobilizes its resources to provide basic aid and medical services to the campus community in conjunction with local, state, and federal government assistance.

In the Student Right-to-Know Report section of this page, Taylor provides the annual Security and Fire Safety Report, which includes emergency response and evacuation procedures and crime statistics for Taylor University for the last 3 years. Also included in the report are the Missing Student Notification policies and procedures, as well as campus sexual assault prevention programs.

Paper copies of the annual Security Report are available upon request from the Office of Institutional Research or by calling 765-998-4627. The Crime Log and Fire Log can be viewed, upon request, at the Taylor University Police Department or by calling 765-998-5395.

HEERF Quarterly Report—Quarter Ended June 30, 2022

Effective with this 2nd Quarter 2022 HEERF report, the DOE has issued an updated quarterly reporting form OMB Control Number 1840-0849 which combines both Student COVID Grant fund award distributions along with Institutional COVID grant expenses. Taylor University had previously reported that the institutional portion of funds awarded under HEERF I, II, & III had all been reported effective with the 4th Quarter 2021 HEERF Report, which was marked as final.

Effective 2nd Quarter 2022, all Student COVID grant payments under HEERF I, II & III have been awarded and this new quarterly report form is marked as final.

This link is being provided so that the public may view Taylor University’s HEERF Annual Report for calendar year 2021 which provides details of HEERF Funds awarded to students, spending detail of HEERF institutional funds spending and other details.

To view the 2nd Quarter 2022 HEERF Report, please click on the link provided:

HEERF Quarterly ReportQuarter Ended March 31, 2022

Student Grant Distributions under ARPA (HEERF III)—Quarter Ending March 31, 2022

The total amount of student relief funds granted to Taylor University under ARPA is $1,601,982. Taylor University received the grant notification from the Department of Education on 5/20/2021. All previous grant funds received for students under the CARES Act (HEERF I) and CRRSAA (HEERF II) have been awarded. During the quarter ended March 31, 2022, no draws were made but $31,725 was awarded to 10 eligible students. A final draw and any final distributions will occur during the 2nd quarter of 2022. Eligible students could file an online application for emergency grant relief due to their specific circumstances. These applications were reviewed by an administrative team and paid upon approval by the team. Eligible students were notified of approval and have received these grants via check payments, or by ACH direct deposits to the student’s bank account. Taylor University’s financial aid department had notified all students who filed a FAFSA that they should contact the financial aid department to receive consideration for additional financial aid due to a recent unemployment of a parent who may have been listed on the FAFSA.

Institutional Distributions under ARPA (HEERF III)—Quarter Ending March 31, 2022

There were no Institutional distributions under ARPA for the quarter ending March 31, 2022. Final distributions of ARPA Institutional grant funds were awarded during the 4th quarter 2021, and reported on the 4th quarter 2021 Institutional funds report which was marked as a final report.

HEERF Quarterly Report—Quarter Ended December 31, 2021

Student Grant Distributions under ARPA (HEERF III)—Quarter Ending December 31, 2021

The total amount of student relief funds granted to Taylor University under ARPA is $1,601,982. Taylor University received the grant notification from the Department of Education on 5/20/2021.  All previous grant funds received for students under the CARES Act (HEERF I) and CRRSAA (HEERF II) have been awarded.  During the quarter ended December 31, 2021, $1,100,000 was drawn and $150,015 was awarded to 320 eligible students. The difference between the amount drawn and the amount awarded during the 4th quarter relates to amounts awarded in previous quarters. Eligible students could file an online application for emergency grant relief due to their specific circumstances.  These applications were reviewed by an administrative team and paid upon approval by the team.  Eligible students were notified of approval and have received these grants via check payments.  Taylor University’s financial aid department had notified all students who filed a FAFSA that they should contact the financial aid department to receive consideration for additional financial aid due to a recent unemployment of a parent who may have been listed on the FAFSA. 

Institutional Distributions under ARPA (HEERF III)—Quarter Ending December 31, 2021

Institutional distributions under ARPA for the quarter ending December 31, 2021 are as summarized on the following template link:

HEERF Quarterly Report—Quarter Ended September 30, 2021 

Student Grant Distributions under ARPA (HEERF III)—Quarter Ending September 30, 2021 

The total amount of student relief funds granted to Taylor University under ARPA is $1,601,982. Taylor University received the grant notification from the Department of Education on 5/20/2021. All previous grants funds received for students under the CARES Act (HEERF I) and CRRSAA (HEERF II) have been awarded. During the quarter ended September 30, 2021, $850,000 was drawn and $750,401 was awarded to 1,876 eligible students. This included $377,700 in mass distributions to eligible students, including incoming freshmen, transfer students and returning students with award amounts ranging from $100 to $450. Eligible students could also file an online application for specific emergency grant relief due to their specific circumstances. These applications were reviewed by an administrative team and paid upon approval by the team. Eligible students were notified of approval and have received these grants via check payments. Taylor University’s financial aid department had notified all students who filed a FAFSA that they should contact the financial aid department to receive consideration for additional financial aid due to a recent unemployment of a parent who may have been listed on the FAFSA. 

Institutional Distributions under ARPA (HEERF III)—Quarter Ending September 30, 2021 

Institutional distributions under CRRSAA for Quarter ending September 30, 2021 are as summarized on the following template link: 

HEERF Quarterly Report—Quarter Ended June 30, 2021

Student Distributions under HEERF I

Taylor University has distributed funds to eligible students for financial relief through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), also referred to as HEERF I. Taylor University received $536,656 on April 28, 2020 specifically for student grants through the CARES Act for financial relief caused by disruption of studies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Taylor University used all of these funds for emergency financial aid grants to students, and this amount represented at least 50% of the total funds received under Section 18004 (a) (1) of the CARES Act. Taylor University signed the Certification and Agreement on April 14, 2020 and the Department of Education approved the agreement on April 24, 2020.

Taylor University identified 1,340 students who were eligible based on DOE guidelines. Potentially eligible students who had not filed a FAFSA were notified of the opportunity to receive assistance once they have filed their FAFSA. Eligible students could also file an online application for specific emergency grant relief due to their specific circumstances. These applications were reviewed by an administrative team and paid upon approval by the team. Eligible students were notified of approval and have received these grants via check payments. Additionally, Taylor University made distributions of $300 per student on June 22, 2020 to all students who had filed their FAFSA at that time. Other grants distributed to students during the first quarter of 2021 completed the full distribution of the total $536,656 received under HEERF I.

Institutional Distributions under HEERF I

Taylor University received $536,655 on May 27, 2020 specifically for institutional support under the CARES Act, of which the entire amount has been applied toward housing and food credit adjustments made to student accounts during the spring semester 2020.

Student Grant Distributions under CRRSAA (HEERF II)—Quarter Ending June 30, 2021

Taylor University received $536,656 specifically for student grants through CRRSAA for financial relief caused by disruption of studies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Taylor University had made distributions of $450 per student to 284 Pell grant recipient students and $225.00 per student to 1,368 Non-Pell grant recipient students on March 22, 2021. During the quarter ending June 30, 2021, distributions totaling $50,183 were made to 65 students who were eligible based on DOE guidelines, which completed the full distribution of the $536,656 CRRSAA student portion. Additionally, eligible students filed online applications for emergency grant relief due to their specific circumstances. These applications were reviewed by an administrative team and paid upon approval by the team. Eligible students were notified of approval and have received these grants via check payments.

Student Grant Distributions under ARPA (HEERF III)—Quarter Ending June 30, 2021

The total amount of student relief funds granted to Taylor University under ARPA is $1,601,982. During the quarter ended June 30, 2021, $687,583 had been drawn and awarded to 585 eligible students who had filed online applications for emergency grant relief due to specific circumstances.

Institutional Distributions under CRRSAA (HEERF II) and ARPA (HEERF III)—Quarter Ending June 30, 2021

Institutional distributions under CRRSAA for Quarter ending June 30, 2021 are as summarized on the following templates links:

HEERF Quarterly Report—Quarter Ended March 31, 2021

Student Distributions under HEERF I

Taylor University has distributed funds to eligible students for financial relief through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), also referred to as HEERF I. Taylor University received $536,656 on April 28, 2020 specifically for student grants through the CARES Act for financial relief caused by disruption of studies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Taylor University used all of these funds for emergency financial aid grants to students, and this amount represented at least 50% of the total funds received under Section 18004 (a) (1) of the CARES Act. Taylor University signed the Certification and Agreement on April 14, 2020 and the Department of Education approved the agreement on April 24, 2020.

Taylor University identified 1,340 students who were eligible based on DOE guidelines. Potentially eligible students who had not filed a FAFSA were notified of the opportunity to receive assistance once they have filed their FAFSA. Eligible students could also file an online application for specific emergency grant relief due to their specific circumstances. These applications were reviewed by an administrative team and paid upon approval by the team. Eligible students were notified of approval and have received these grants via check payments. Additionally, Taylor University made distributions of $300 per student on June 22, 2020 to all students who had filed their FAFSA at that time. As of December 31, 2020, Taylor University had distributed $510,500 in grants to 1,340 students. Additional grants distributed to students in the first quarter of 2021 totaled $26,156, completing the full distribution of the total $536,656 received under HEERF I.

Institutional Distributions under HEERF I

Taylor University received $536,655 on May 27, 2020 specifically for institutional support under the CARES Act, of which the entire amount has been applied toward housing and food credit adjustments made to student accounts during the spring semester 2020.

Student Grant Distributions under CRRSAA—Quarter Ending March 31, 2021

Taylor University will receive $536,656 specifically for student grants through CRRSAA for financial relief caused by disruption of studies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the quarter ending March 31, 2021, distributions totaling $486,519 were made to 1,652 students who were eligible based on DOE guidelines. Taylor University made distributions of $450 per student to Pell grant recipient students and $225.00 to Non-Pell grant recipient students on March 22, 2021. Eligible students could also file an online application for emergency grant relief due to their specific circumstances. These applications were reviewed by an administrative team and paid upon approval by the team. Eligible students were notified of approval and have received these grants via check payments. Taylor University has drawn CRRSAA student grant funds totaling $425,000 as of March 31, 2021.

Institutional distributions under CRRSAA for Quarter ending March 31, 2021 are summarized here.

The following links provide information about Taylor University’s policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement. Taylor’s policies with respect to unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, including disciplinary actions taken against students who engage in illegal downloading or unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using the institution’s information technology system can be reviewed in the Taylor copyright policy. Also, the University's Statement in Compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) with Respect to Peer-to-Peer File Sharing and Downloading refers to the Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Policy. A summary of the penalties for violation of federal copyright laws can be found in the Federal Student Aid Handbook or on Taylor’s Financial Aid page.

View Zondervan Library’s Copyright & Fair Use Guide

Taylor’s financial aid website includes information about the following:

For further information, contact Robert Sommers, Executive Director of Financial Aid at

All institutions participating in Title IV, HEA Student Financial Aid Programs annually provide required data to NCES in IPEDS. The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics has created the College Affordability and Transparency Center tool in order to provide easily accessible comparative information and data to consumers. For a summary view of the most recent fall information and statistics, including student body diversity, gender, ethnicity and race, age and admissions data, and much more, refer to Taylor's Profile & Rankings. Students at Taylor stay very busy; please visit the Student Activities section of the Taylor website for more information. Enrolled or prospective students also have many offices available to assist students throughout normal business hours. Please visit Taylor Unversity’s Offices for more information.

Taylor University recognizes “Constitution and Citizenship Day” through the Halbrook Freedom Lecture Series sponsored by both the chapel as well as the History, Global, & Political Studies Department. Recent speakers in this series can be found in the news.

Common Data Set

The CDS is a set of standards and definitions of data. The combined goal of this collaboration among data providers in higher education and guidebook publishers is to improve the quality and accuracy of information provided to all involved in a student’s transition into higher education, as well as to reduce the reporting burden on data providers. This goal is attained by the development of clear, standard data items and definitions in order to determine a specific cohort relevant to each item. Data items and definitions used by the U.S. Department of Education in its higher education surveys often serve as a guide in the continued development of the CDS.

Taylor University has established policies and opportunities for students to earn undergraduate credit for a semester, January interterm, or summer in an environment of total academic and cultural immersion. While most off-campus programs are optional and supplemental to the University's offerings, a few programs require students to experience off-campus or transfer courses.

The mission of Taylor University is to develop servant-leaders marked with a passion to minister Christ’s redemptive love, grace, and truth to a world in need. Taylor strives to be Biblically anchored, Christ-centered, whole person focused, and to integrate faith and learning. 

To provide clarity and scope regarding official statements from the University, as a general rule, the University will limit institutional statements on issues or situations that directly involve the Taylor community. The University or president will not make statements on political, legal, or social events that do not directly involve the University community. In most cases, due to privacy laws, the University will not comment on student discipline or individual employment matters.  

In times of national or international distress, Taylor University encourages staff, faculty, and students to make use of campus resources including counseling, the Chaplain's Office, Human Resources, and Student Development services. The University has an immediate alert system in place to notify the campus when a direct and credible threat is identified. 

Last edited August 2023

Taylor University’s refund and withdrawal policies are found in the Finance section of the Academic Catalog under the headings Refund Schedule and University Withdrawal Procedures, while the return of Title IV/HEA financial aid policy is found on the Financial Aid Forms and Documents webpage, under the heading Policies and Procedures.

At Taylor University, the safeguarding of student information is a top priority, reflecting our unwavering commitment to data security. Every piece of consumer and student information, from personal details to financial records, is treated with the utmost care and diligence. To uphold this commitment, the university has implemented a comprehensive information security program that encompasses a range of protective measures.

Central to this effort is the appointment of a designated Information Security Coordinator who oversees the implementation and maintenance of these security measures. The university conducts regular risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities in its systems and processes, ensuring a proactive approach to addressing emerging threats. Rigorous testing and monitoring mechanisms are employed to continually evaluate the effectiveness of the safeguards in place. This iterative process allows for ongoing improvement and adjustment to security protocols as necessary, in alignment with evolving best practices and regulatory requirements.

Taylor University extends its commitment to safeguarding information beyond its own walls. The institution requires its service providers comply with industry best-practice security processes and procedures when handling sensitive data. This includes maintaining their own safeguards to ensure that the integrity and confidentiality of consumer and student information are maintained throughout all interactions. By fostering a culture of vigilance and accountability, the university underscores its dedication to upholding the trust and confidence of its students, parents, and stakeholders, ensuring that their information remains secure and protected.

In order to protect personal and other sensitive information and to comply with legislative mandates and industry best practices, Taylor University has adopted a Written Information Security Program (WISP).

Licensure Exam Success Rates & Assessments

Education: Title II Annual Reports containing exam success rates and other assessments   
Social Work: Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

Placement of Graduates & Career Information

Taylor University offers career development services to students. An Annual Report is prepared by the Calling and Career Office that provides post-graduation information for Taylor graduates transitioning from college, upon completion of their baccalaureate degree. Report data are collected about 6 months after graduation, including graduate and professional programs attended, employment status, and employers.

The Calling and Career Office collects data on the career outcomes for the latest graduating class.

Retention Rate & Completion/Graduation Rates

Retention and institutional graduation rates for full-time undergraduates can be viewed in the table below. Comparative data, with gender and ethnicity/race are provided at Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Graduation rates for students receiving athletically related financial aid and Graduation rates by financial assistance group, can be viewed at the Financial Aid website.

Full-Time Entering Freshmen Retention & Graduation Rates

Entering Year Returning Next Fall 4 Yr Grad Rate 6 Yr Grad Rate
2014 87% 72% 79%
2015 86% 73% 77%
2016 90% 71% 78%
2017 86% 69% 77%
2018 85% 66% 73%
2019 89% 72%  
2020 89% 72%  
2021 91%    
2022 91%    
2023 89%    

Contact the Office of Institutional Research at 765-998-4627 or the Financial Aid Office at 765-998-5358 with questions.

Updated Sept. 2023

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.”

View Taylor's Compliance under Public Notice Designating Directory Information header for the types of information Taylor has designated as directory information and under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) header for procedures for reviewing education records, requesting amendments, and filing complaints with DOE, as well as when information from a student's education record may be released without the student's consent including subpoenas. With exception of the special conditions allowing release of student information without consent, the student must provide consent specifying what records are being requested and to whom the records are to be released. If you any questions about your rights under FERPA, contact the Office of the Registrar at 765-998-5129 or

We have put online a copy of the Taylor University’s Student Right-to-Know information for the Upland campus. We encourage you to browse the documents and take note of the information which Taylor University makes available in accordance with federal regulations.

2024 Reports

2023 Reports

2022 Reports

2021 Reports

2020 Reports

If you have additional questions, please use the contact information included in the document. If you have general questions regarding Right to Know, please contact the Office of Institutional Research.

Taylor University complies with the federal mandates outlined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Taylor University accepts students who are able to engage in college level studies and who meet the admission criteria. In accordance with its mission statement, Taylor provides students who have disabilities with services necessary to give them equal access to academic programs and participation in the total Taylor experience. Students with disabilities who wish to receive support services should contact the coordinator of academic support services in the Academic Enrichment Center at 765-998-5523. Services may include assistance with note taking, alternative testing, or other accommodations deemed reasonable and necessary by qualified professionals. A student requesting services should provide documentation of a disability in order to receive any services; documentation used in determining accommodations are protected under FERPA. For further information, refer to the Handbook for Students with Disabilities.

New Students

To receive credit for course work earned at other accredited universities, new students should request that college transcripts be sent directly to the Office of Admissions at Taylor University. These transcripts are then forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for transfer credit evaluation; a copy of the evaluation is sent to the student. The Office of the Registrar evaluates courses for foundational core and elective credit and confers with the appropriate department chair to have major or minor courses evaluated for transfer credit.

Current Students

After enrolling at Taylor, students who plan to take a course at another university during the summer or during a semester’s absence and wish to transfer credit to apply toward a degree, must complete a transfer credit course approval form signed by the student’s academic advisor, course department chair, and the Registrar prior to enrolling in the course. The major or minor department chair’s signature may be required if the course is a major/minor requirement. Upon successful completion of the course, students must request that an official transcript be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar at Taylor.

The guidelines for accepting transfer credit are as follows:

  • Taylor University reserves the right to accept or reject courses for transfer credit. Remedial or vocational courses are not transferable.
  • Accepting courses for transfer credit and applying them toward degree requirements are separate considerations. Courses that transfer as elective credit may not be applicable to specific requirements.
  • Only course work with a grade of C- or better will be accepted. Courses taken for a grade mode of pass, credit or satisfactory do not transfer unless the transcript indicates that the grade is equivalent to at least a C-. Although a minimum grade is required, grades do not transfer. The student’s GPA is computed only on work offered by or through Taylor University.
  • Transfer credit will not be accepted and duplicate hours will not be awarded for equivalent courses previously earned with a grade of D- or better at Taylor. However, the grade on the transfer institution’s transcript will be used to validate completion of the course to meet a curriculum requirement with the required grade. Students attempting to raise their cumulative GPAs must repeat the respective course(s) at Taylor.
  • A maximum of 64 hours of credit may be transferred from an accredited two-year college.
  • Credits transferred from an accredited four-year college may be accepted for transfer credit; however, lower-division (100-/200-level) or upper-division (300-/400-level) credit will be awarded based upon the Taylor equivalency course level.
  • The Director of Teacher Certification must approve courses that apply toward teacher certification.
  • Credit by examination (e.g. AP, CLEP, IB) recorded for a specific course on an official transcript must meet Taylor standards in order to be accepted as transfer credit. Procedures for acceptance of credit may be obtained from the Office of Academic Assessment. Departmental challenge exams from other institutions are not transferable.
  • Graduation honors are computed only on Taylor University course work.
  • Degree residency requirements: (1) students must complete 50 percent of the minimum degree hours at Taylor University [e.g., 64 of the minimum 128 hours required for the baccalaureate degree; 32 of the minimum 64 hours required for the associate degree]; (2) students must complete 50 percent of the major or minor hours at Taylor University; and (3) at least 22 of the last 30 hours must be taken at Taylor University.

Transfer credit course approval forms are available through the Office of the Registrar.

Transfer Credit Policy for Non-Taylor University Off-Campus/Study-Abroad Programs

Taylor University invests considerable time, effort, and resources for the creation of off-campus/study-abroad programs consistent with the standards and educational objectives of the University and the needs of its students. Students wishing to receive credit from a study-abroad/off-campus program not offered through Taylor University are responsible for initiating the approval process prior to program application to ensure approval of the program and appropriate transfer of credits.

Taylor University will not enter into a consortium agreement with any foreign or domestic college/university or study-abroad/off-campus agency for non-Taylor programs. No financial aid (federal, state, or institutional) will be awarded to students participating in non-Taylor programs.

Students must be in good academic standing and meet the following policies as they plan for and participate in any non-Taylor University study-abroad/off-campus program:

  • Taylor University recommends that students begin the program and course approval process one year prior to the anticipated enrollment in any non-Taylor study-abroad or off-campus program. Students should schedule an appointment with the Registrar to initiate the application process to meet all deadlines.
  • The study-abroad/off-campus program must be sponsored by other regionally accredited colleges or universities.
  • Transfer credit will be accepted if prior approval has been granted by the academic department, Coordinator of the Foundational Core Curriculum, and Registrar. All course approvals must be finalized by March 1, for the following Summer or Fall, and October 1, for the following Spring.
  • Course offerings and schedules are subject to change; Taylor University cannot guarantee that course changes will be accepted without the appropriate approvals prior to attending the program.
  • The sponsoring college/university must grant the credit and grade for each course. Upon completion of the approved course(s), an official transcript from the sponsoring college/university must be sent to the Office of the Registrar.
  • No more than 17 credit hours will be approved for semester-long programs.
  • No more than 12 hours will be approved for Summer.
  • Twenty-two (22) of the last 30 credit hours must be completed through Taylor University.
  • Fifty percent of the degree hours must be completed through Taylor University.
  • Fifty percent of the major/minor hours must be completed through Taylor University.

Additional information concerning transfer credit policies is available from the Office of the Registrar.

As of November 2021


Health requirements for students at Taylor University exist primarily to protect the student body as a whole from infectious disease. Secondary goals are to have medical information at hand should a student need assistance from the health service.

University Requirements

Policy provides that Taylor University shall prevent a student from beginning classes if they have not complied with certain requirements by the beginning of the student’s second academic term. These requirements apply only to students who are registered for classes on the Taylor University Campus. Requirements are different for domestic students (those from the United States) and international students.

Requirements are as follows:

(Fees may apply)

Domestic Students

Domestic students must have a completed physical. The history portion must be signed and dated by the student if he or she is 18 years of age or older. If the student is less than 18 year of age, it must be signed by his or her parent or guardian.

Tuberculosis screening for the domestic student population is limited to those who are members of a high risk group, lived in a foreign country within the last 5 years or those are entering the health professions.

Students must have a booster dose of Td (Tetanus and Diphtheria) or TdaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) within 10 years prior to admission. Td and TdaP are vaccines available at the health center.

Students are required to have two doses of the MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine. These doses should be given after 12 months of age and separated by at least 28 days.

The meningitis vaccine is another of the vaccines available at the health center. Students are encouraged to receive information about the meningitis vaccine and make a decision about whether they wish to receive the vaccine or not. Information regarding meningitis vaccine can be reviewed at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Website. (This is a recommended immunization but not required.)

State law and health center policy provide for an exemption from these requirements if the student provides a signed and dated statement expressing objection on religious grounds. If a student presents such a statement, and the student is over the age of 18, the statement must be signed and dated by the student. If the student is under the age of 18, the statement must be signed and dated by a parent or guardian, unless the student is emancipated. An exemption may also be granted for the following reasons; if a student presents written documentation that she is pregnant, if a student is in the process of completing a course of immunizations, or if the student submits a signed statement from a health care provider documenting a medical contraindication to an immunization.

International Students

International graduate and undergraduate students must meet all the requirements listed above for domestic students. In addition, they must have a tuberculosis screening within the past year. If needed, testing will be offered as part of orientation prior to beginning classes. The fee for testing will be assigned to the student being tested.

Immunization records must be signed and dated by a health care professional and must have a legible name, address, and phone number of the source (doctor’s office, school, etc.).

Taylor’s Center for Student Leadership and Student Senate provides state voter registration and absentee ballot information, and also provides registration cards in residence halls. Questions can be directed to the Center for Student Leadership, 765-998-4314 or 765-998-5305.

The United States Election Assistance Commission provides the National Mail Voter Registration Form that can be used to register to vote, to update your registration information due to a change in name, make a change of address or to register with a political party. The national form also contains voter rules and regulations for each state and territory.

Student Complaint Process

Taylor University is a community of Christians intentionally united for academic progress, personal development and spiritual growth. As such, we seek to honor Jesus Christ while placing a great deal of importance on relationships and recognizing the need for responsible behavior (see Taylor University’s Life Together Covenant). Consistent with our Christian beliefs and commitments, the University has instituted various mechanisms to identify and address student concerns and complaints. In addition, the University has a federal obligation to track significant student complaints so we may monitor the quality of our services.

When registering concerns or complaints, students must follow the appropriate procedures. If a student has any questions about the applicable procedure to follow for a particular complaint, the student should contact the Title IX Coordinator at

Find the process to file a complaint with a state agency or accreditation body.

Appeals and grievance processes are available for students to address particular issues. If a student has a complaint concerning any of the following matters, the student should refer to the proper resource for assistance:

  1. Academic Integrity Policy (undergraduate and graduate)
  2. Grade/Academic Credit Appeal (undergraduate and graduate)
  3. Non-Academic Code of Conduct Policy
  4. Policy against Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Harassment
  5. Title IX
  6. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Accommodations
  7. Financial Aid Appeals
  8. Housing Assignment Appeal

If a student has a complaint that does not fall within any of the categories listed above, the complaint will be processed as one of the following:

  1. Informal Resolution

    The Life Together Covenant identifies “speaking the truth in love” and “reconciliation, restoration and restitution” as among the most desirable expressions of love in our Christ-centered community. Therefore, students are encouraged to speak directly with the mentor, staff member or faculty most concerned with or responsible for the situation that is the cause of the complaint. If this communication does not lead to resolution, or such a discussion is not deemed appropriate, the student may register an informal complaint or, if the criteria below are satisfied, the student may file a formal complaint.

  2. Informal Complaint

    A student may register an informal complaint within thirty (30) days of the event that triggered the complaint. The earlier the communication is made, however, the more likely it is to resolve the matter satisfactorily. Complaints involving academic matters should be made to the dean of the relevant School. Other types of complaints should be made to the Associate Vice President for Student Development & Director of Residence Life. Informal complaints may be made in person or email. Appropriate University administrators or staff will review the matter presented by the student and determine whether any action is required. The student will be notified of the University’s response within twenty (20) days of receipt of the informal complaint. If the student is not satisfied with the decision and/or attempts at resolution and the criteria below are satisfied, the student may file a formal complaint.

  3. Formal Complaint

    A formal complaint must be submitted in writing to the dean of the relevant School or the Associate Vice President for Student Development & Director of Residence Life. Formal complaints must be filed with sixty (60) days of the event that triggered the complaint. Written complaints must:

    • State the nature of the complaint
    • State the nature of the remedy being sought
    • Describe any previous attempts to resolve the issue described
    • Be signed by student (not anonymous)
    • Be addressed to/submitted to an institutional officer
    • Not be a request for a routine decision (e.g., grade change, requirement waiver, etc.)
    • Not be an appeal or a grievance for which a defined process already exists

    Receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged with fifteen (15) days. The appropriate University administrator will determine whether the complaint meets the criteria above. If so, the University administrator or designated administrators will review the matter. The review may include further investigation and interviews. A final written determination, including any proposed resolution, will be sent to the student within thirty (30) days of receipt of the complaint.

  4. Tracked Complaint Information

    Formal complaints meeting the relevant criteria and deemed of sufficient substance will be tracked by either the Provost’s Office or the Associate Vice President for Student Development & Director of Residence Life's Office for academic and student development matters, respectively. The following database elements will be tracked:

    • Date complaint received
    • Student(s) identified with complaint
    • Nature of complaint
    • Office assigned to address the complaint
    • Steps taken to resolve complaint
    • Institutions final decision
    • External actions by complainant (e.g., lawsuit, EEOC, OCR)
  5. Institutional Use of Tracked Complaints

    A complete record of formal complaints will be kept by either the Provost’s or Associate Vice President for Student Development & Director of Residence Life’s Office. In accordance with federal regulatory and accreditation requirements, the University will annually review student complaints tracked in accordance with this process and will look to identify patterns in types of complaints and their resolution. The Deans Council and Student Development Lead Team will annually review academic and student development formal complaints, respectively. The reviews will also include an assessment of what, if any, modifications or improvements the University needs to make as a result of information identified in handling student complaints and a process for implementing appropriate institutional enhancements accordingly.

  • Code of Federal Regulations 34 CFR 602.16(a)(1)(ix)
  • Higher Learning Commission Policy # FDCR.A.10.030 Institutional Records of Student Complaints